June 21 2024 Trump!!! Likes Sacks house Winklevoss Brothers donating $1M in BTC each to Trump Fundraiser went well Economy Too much regulation, No M&A, Real estate credit crunch, Hard to do business Wants to reduce taxes More focused on reducing/eliminating regulation Emphasizes impact of crime Mostly democrat-run cities - no cash bail, high regulation, high tax regimes Larry Summers comment on Trump tax cut proposal using tariffs - Trump said he believes in tariffs Worried about de-dollarization How will he deal with spending - added $8T to deficit in each of the last 2 administrations Thinks we can grow our way out Claims oil prices would go through the roof if Dems win again Claims he had to take care of Covid, but Biden spent on other items Impoundment authority Wants to have states spend on education Department of Interior Environmental Dept AI will need electricity at untold levels - need to enable that OK with Nuclear (China is going to build 150 plants at $2500/KW but in ...