Decent JCal intros SBF Crypto Bailout Bails out BlockFI and Voyager $200M LOC to Voyager $250M to BlockFI BTC went up with stimulus money and low interest rates People also learnt to run off chain Bitcoin arbitrage You put your money in BlockFI, they will give you 10% interest, they put that in Terra, they give them 20% interest, so when Terra dies everyone wants their bitcoin back and so everything crashes Lot of systemic risk largely around Bitcoin If you have crypto in custodial accounts in off-chain brokers 3AC bankrupted Zero oversight so systemic risk People don’t even understand chain of custody - you might not own the BTC at all After crapping on boomers, these people are worse than existing finance industry SBF, his brother Gabe and Dustin Moskovitz are spending their money on increasing taxes in CA for Pandemic Preventiveness The work will report to these guys, not to UCs or some accountable entity These guys live in Bahamas and are funding ballot init...