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All In Podcast Episode 85 Notes June 30 2022


  • Decent JCal intros
  • SBF Crypto Bailout
    • Bails out BlockFI and Voyager
    • $200M LOC to Voyager
    • $250M to BlockFI
    • BTC went up with stimulus money and low interest rates
    • People also learnt to run off chain Bitcoin arbitrage
    • You put your money in BlockFI, they will give you 10% interest, they put that in Terra, they give them 20% interest, so when Terra dies everyone wants their bitcoin back and so everything crashes
    • Lot of systemic risk largely around Bitcoin
    • If you have crypto in custodial accounts in off-chain brokers
    • 3AC bankrupted
    • Zero oversight so systemic risk
    • People don’t even understand chain of custody - you might not own the BTC at all
    • After crapping on boomers, these people are worse than existing finance industry
    • SBF, his brother Gabe and Dustin Moskovitz are spending their money on increasing taxes in CA for Pandemic Preventiveness
      • The work will report to these guys, not to UCs or some accountable entity
      • These guys live in Bahamas and are funding ballot initiatives in CA, worsening our financial situation
      • So he wants to curry favor with politicians to fund his work later
      • Teachers association also doesn’t want this - this will definitely drive down state’s tax base - 13.3% is highest tax rate in nation - we had budget surplus because of boom cycle last year and this year it will be worse
      • His parents are law professors at Stanford
      • He has thoughtful specific strategy about who they need and what they care about and how to influence what they want
      • If he wants to curry favor - he will not see the red wave coming in November
    • Why do people talk about crypto in USD value - so you want to transact in USD ultimately
    • So its a security - with no underlying actual asset to secure - there is no underlying interest - its a secured interest in an entry on a blockchain - each bitcoin is non-fungible
    • $1.7T was torched in ETFs alone
    • People have escaped with billions of dollars
    • Most of it was not on chain - it was off chain
    • HFSP and OK Boomer is not funny anymore
    • BTC went up because not of USD debasing but more liquidity - Fed created asset bubble
    • All this activity built on principles of openness and can’t debase it or devalue it - coz it was violated from the beginning
    • The exchanges are the honey pot of all of this activity
    • So you can’t buy airbnb shares when its private but you can buy a crappy crypto token
  • Zendesk sells for $10.5B in private equity
    • Turned down $17B offer earlier
    • $1.3B revenue
      • Up 30% YoY
    • $1.5B in cash and securities
    • $223M loss in 2021 so they have 6 years of runway if nothing were to change
    • Sacks shared floor at 410 Townsend with Zendesk while he was at Yammer
    • They were worth $100M 10 years ago
    • SaaS index is at 5.5 times next 12 months revenue
    • Medium SaaS is 20%
    • Fast growth 40% is trading at 8x revenue
    • They wanted to go private?
    • No they wanted to go public but law of large numbers catches up with you - how can you keep growing at 25% when you are so big
    • Sacks will fund bottom up SaaS - individuals buy it - but that gets hard to scale with bigger businesses
    • So now how do they go head to head against Salesforce or Microsoft if you’re doing CRM automation, etc?
    • They tried to grow inorganically by buying SurveyMonkey for $4.1B but it was rejected
    • What Salesforce did, what WorkDay is doing it now, and now ServiceNow - what these companies are able to do - its incredible - CEOs, teams at these places are incredible
    • Warning sign - to all companies - you cannot go into a massive investment cycle without being able to grow really well
    • Private Equity companies are not trying to make $10B go to $25B but they only care about their $2B into $3B - its a 50% return, $1B return, which is hard - but they will do it by cutting costs, etc
    • People sell good businesses because of management burnout usually - you can conclude this when they sell if company is doing well
    • PE guys will restructure business to deliver cash flow - these sw businesses are great to own
    • Its a different kind of management challenge
    • They are diluting their business because of issuing stock based comp to employees at 2.5% per year
    • Google can do this because they have 30-40% EBITDA margins - their situation is not dilutive because they buy back stocks also
    • Hard for them to show momentum as they try to upsell into Enterprise accounts
    • Standard in SV when company goes IPO is to have evergreen stock plan - so 4% new shares issued every year - so 4% dilution every year - portfolio managers are paying attention to this closely - its a contentious topic - so cash salaries might go up as a result - engineers might get challenged on $400K per year which engineers have gotten used to when they’re good
    • Jana was trying to pressure the board to sell the company
    • Do you want $100M cash flow every year + 2.5% dilution OR do you want cash burn every year?
      • People prefer former - so thats why stock based comp is the normal
    • Lot of financial engineering going on right now with these businesses - even more so when PE buyers snap up businesses
    • We need exits to justify early stage risk capital
    • Comp in stock based comp needs to be more tied to milestones and targets - everyone should rise and fall with the company performance - people are too entitled
  • Buyout targets
    • Peloton?
    • Buzzfeed?
    • Some of these companies are going to run out of cash soon and will be snapped up
    • There has been a regime change in the public markets - its not just about revenue, its also about margins and cash growth
    • Founders were not taking medicine by reducing their burn
    • Investors want growth with low burn - high burn operations are going to be punished
    • Why would you give up your equity today?
    • Jerome Powell said he will tank the economy to beat inflation
      • 8-9% inflation prints for next 3-4 months minimum
    • Equities - long term they are weighing machine, short term they are voting machine
    • Try to buy high quality businesses now - hold for long term
    • Rate expectations are going up fueled by inflation - wall street
    • Economic slowdown is happening - main street
      • Consumer confidence is part of this
  • Russian/Ukraine war effect on markets and economy
    • US officials are OK with war and famine to protect Donbass
    • Russia tried to go for knockout punch to begin, didn’t do it - but now have strengthened in eastern Ukraine with separatists
    • Hard to see how to get out of bear markets without clarity on interest rates, recession and war situation
    • Could have $180 barrel oil by winter and inflation and recession can get worse
    • Need to put war to bed - consequences are too bad for us
    • Russia’s demands
      1. Ukraine out of NATO
      2. Ukraine separatists’ demands to be met
      3. Russia keeps Crimea
    • These above demands are where we will end up but because of war Ukraine will get destroyed - this plan could have been agreed through negotiation
    • US has started QE tightening - ECB, Japan have not stopped yet
    • Russia has been saying since 2008 that pt #1 is a red line - even non-Putin russian executives have been against Ukraine NATO induction
    • Even US wasn’t OK with Cuba to join any military alliance - how will we be OK with them having other nukes there?
    • US has also warned China against expanding into Solomon Islands
    • This doctrine that Ukraine is free to join NATO is against US doctrine that Solomon Islands and Cuba can’t be
    • EU’s GDP is 10x Russia
    • What are you willing to do to end the war?
    • The deal that would end this war is the same deal that was on the table last year - does the whole country have to be destroyed in the process and the world has to go through a famine and recession?
    • Chinese deputy foreign minister got demoted - seems like maybe its because he is very pro-russia and Xi Jinping is not
  • AlphaFold
    • Recent paper made 3D pore model of cell
    • Theory is that diseases happen because of dysfunction in transfer of molecules into and out of nucleus of cells
    • Nuclear pore complex is like a fence around the nucleus - there might be openings and “closings” - things open and close
    • How DNA can be over-expressed and under-expressed which might cause underlying diseases
    • So now AlphaFold is helping us do real cool research!


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