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All In Podcast Episode 99 Notes October 7 2022

 October 7 2022

  • Friedberg episode caused CallIn to crash
  • Cheating Scandals
    • Magnus Carlsen guessed Hans Niemann was cheating because he didn’t seem tense during their game
    • Now Niemann’s been determined to have cheated a LOT
    • Methodology used is interesting - they ran his games through algorithm and they found his accuracy was like 100%
    • Bobby Fischer 72%, Magnus Carlsen 70%, Kasparov 69%, Super GMs at 64-68%
    • Hans Niemann is basically 100% all the time
    • So if he’s really so good he will win a lot over the board over the next few years because of anti-cheating rules coming in so he can prove his prowess
    • Lot of losers now who don’t want to work hard and just win
    • So he isn’t caught in the act but the computer evidence is pretty damning - so no hard evidence yet that he’s cheating
    • Fishing scandal - fish stuffed with weights and filling - what’s going on?
    • Poker front running
    • Even in Twitch they are using software overlays to help aim better
      • Now people are figuring out how they are cheating using aim bots
    • So there’s a decay of personal responsibility - they want easy solution, quick answer and want to get to the finish line to solve all their problems - people become corrupt individuals
    • Poker woman getting in trouble
  • Twitter deal
    • Seems performance clause in contract means deal has to get done
    • For it to not go through, Banks have to walk away from debt committed to so Elon gets to walk away
    • Deal should probably close in the next few weeks - so should have bought the twitter stock and made a lot of money
    • Elon should be able to save money by moving the app to the public cloud
    • Twitter has a reputation for cultural technical competence
    • Typical M&A transaction its 30% premium (Elon is overpaying now but he should be able to make it back)
    • JCal and Sacks recused themselves from the discussion because they are being subpoenaed
  • Tesla AI Day
    • Tesla is building their own supercomputer and their own chips
    • Meta announced a text to video announcement - can make a whole movie by talking to a computer!
    • Statistical models are now able to resolve dynamically because of amazing computing progress over the last decade -
    • Chamath hired a Googler and called him Data Scientist
    • Friedberg ran Climate Corp - 4.0 Advanced Math from CalTech - started Math team - cool team
    • Compute has been scaling a lot over the years - Moore’s law and now GPUs
    • Marginal cost of intelligence is going to go to 0
    • When this happens, humans have to differentiate themselves from computers - be more humans, less compute intensive, more emotional
    • Humans on earth evolution
      • Passive
        • Did things so became:
      • Laborers
        • Figured out how to get this done using machines so became:
      • Creators
        • Now figured out how to get this done too using AI, so will become:
      • Narrators
    • Read Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker
      • We do much more leisure because of more automation
  • Biden Marijuana pardons
    • Potential election related?
    • Legal cannabis industry doesn’t work in California because they don’t have access to financial system so its all cash only
    • However, not clear that marijuana is harmless anymore - some of the new variants are very potent
    • Be very careful as parents - this is not for kids
    • This stuff is very bad - it should not be in a convenience store
  • Section 230 - Scotus
    • Google is being sued for ISIS videos on YouTube
    • Supreme court justices are going to be probably aligned on this
    • Texas 5th circuit court case saying social media companies are platforms and are more like phone companies
    • Positive rights vs Negative rights
    • Historically google and facebook have been told that asking them to ban certain accounts or not ban is infringing on their speech rights
    • How is that sensible given that Google can produce its own content and make their own speech?
    • If its a big enough monopolistic platform, they should not ban certain people
    • They are editorializing - their algorithm does what a human did previously
    • Are we sure these are built-in monopolies? Then how do you expect Tiktok to succeed?
    • Tiktok has become bigger than YouTube almost
    • Government shouldn’t play a role - this is not like telephone companies laid lines and have physical monopoly - internet is free and companies are being funded to disrupt incumbents
    • The problem is that the companies act like monopolies - their collective effect is like a speech cartel
    • These are not public service providers but private service providers that the market is telling them what to do
    • Are we sure its market forces or is it more of political forces?
    • Maybe common carrier status is not at Facebook, Twitter level but maybe at AWS, Banks, Phone carriers, etc?
    • Maybe have choice of algorithms that serve content to you - example CommonSense media


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