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All In Podcast Episode 69 Notes - May 16 2022

  • Elon on Zoom, Besties at the summit in Miami
    • I WAS THERE!!!!!! woohoo 🙂
  • Twitter
    • Debating number of bots on twitter with Parag
    • care about number of unique people
    • twitter claim is that number of unique humans on their service is > 95%
    • He thinks its much higher than 5% (fake accounts) - ≥ 20%
    • Has most liked tweet of any living human
      • < 5M likes (~4.7M) - “next buying coca cola to put cocaine back in”
    • They claim monetizable users is 217M so most popular tweet is ~2% of total daily active users?
      • Shouldn’t it be more than 10%?
    • Analogue with YouTube - most popular videos have 10B views where the service has 1B users
    • Speculating that its 80-90% bots!!
    • This number is important because its about brand advertising (not just click through purchase)
    • Why important to him?
      • Important to have a public town square that is broadly inclusive and has max possible people - balance politically, unbiased, transparent system, put algorithm on github and allow people to critique it
      • Twitter has a far left bias
      • Not a right wing takeover, but a moderate wing takeover
      • People of all political beliefs are welcome on the political town square
      • Smartest people in history have thought about this - free speech matters for healthy democracy - when someone you don’t like says something you don’t like
    • White House is blind to Tesla but sees other EV manufacturers who are not as good
      • Republicans do bad stuff because of corporate evil and religious zealotry
      • Democrats are bad because of unions
      • Obama was more moderate than Biden
    • What is the likelihood that a deal gets done this quarter?
      • Wants to get logical explanation for number of fake accounts on twitter
      • Its a material adverse mis-statement if its not true
      • Analogy to house full of 5% or 90% termites
      • Relying on public disclosures so this matters
      • Its important because 70% twitter revenue is based on brand advertising
      • Accuracy of filing is important if you’re buying 1 share or the whole company and its a big deal if its not true
      • Why is it hard for them to give a good answer?
        • “Don’t want to know the answer”
    • Could twitter become a super app?
      • With payments, etc
      • WeChat is a good model - people in China live on twitter, its twitter + paypal + lots of other stuff, its an excellent app - nothing like that outside of China - so would be useful - so utility of something spam free would be good, post comments, create videos, creators get a share of revenue
      • Something like this could be made outside of Twitter - so either convert Twitter or make something new - high trust system with crypto|fiat - people need to have high trust using it
      • Prefers to make from scratch but could buy
  • Tesla - what are the companies within it?
    • Typical car company assembles vehicles, send to dealers, manage supply chain, might make engine, parts are made by suppliers, most software is done by suppliers - so actual work done by car companies like Ford, GM is not much - they don’t do sales or service - have dealerships
    • Tesla does its own sales and service
    • Have their own “gas stations” = supercharger network, ~15000 superchargers globally
    • make their own battery pack, power electronics, drive unit
    • Make a lot of the car internally - not religious about it - but more about the pace at which they need to move, faster than legacy supply chain in terms of speed, cost,
    • Software - speed, charging, Tesla OS in the car
    • Autopilot AI team from scratch - best real world AI team on earth - challenges anyone to show a better AI team demonstrated in a car - in bay area it can go from San Jose to Marin
      • Have had 100000 people in the beta
      • Want to expand to 1 million
    • Also built a chip team - coz there was no hardware to run the AI on - couldn’t just put trunkful of GPUs in the car - expensive and requires lot of power/cooling
      • “Best in the world” at the time and still now
    • Designing Dojo supercomputer to analyze video coming from all over the world - 10s of billions of miles of training data - optimized inference hardware in the car
    • Tesla Giga Factory = not normal factory, a machine that builds other machines, it looks like a chip layout
    • Insurance company
      • Lot of people pay equivalent to 30-40% of their lease payment for insurance
        • Lots of middle entities and based on statistics that require history
      • Tesla does insurance based on how you actually drive the car - not based on historical demographics
      • Can close the loop by driving better and improving your score - promotes safer driving
      • JCal house someone has 93% score and someone else has ~60% score 😛
    • Robo taxi uber competitor
  • Building vs Acquiring
    • Tesla
      • Roadster cost $190K vs sale price of $115K (JCal bought #16)
      • They didn’t bring Elon in
      • He was going to start EV company with JB straubel based on AC Propulsion - t0 prototype - they referred him to Martin Everhard et al
      • His moral error was trying to have his cake and eat it too - wanted to work on tech, product, design and was doing SpaceX at the time and rockets were blowing up - should have realized he needed to be in charge of company also - had to be CEO in the end
      • When he joined there were no prototypes, no intellectual property, no nothing, to be “crystal ******* clear”
      • 2008 was rough - GM, Ford, etc were going bankrupt or almost - people were angry he even asked for money for an electric car company in that environment
      • Subset of existing investors: Antonio Gracias, Steve Jurvetson, Ira Ehrenpries - he owes a debt of gratitude to them to this day - he put all his money, house etc in - stayed in Jeff Skoll’s bedroom
      • Company was on death’s door on Christmas Eve 2008
      • First 3 SpaceX rockets blew up - Gawker said he had 4 weeks of payroll left, in fact it was 2
      • If he had paid Tesla SpaceX suppliers on time in 2008 they would have got bankrupt
      • Showed JCal a photo of a clay model of Tesla Model S - if he could sell it for $50K it would change the world
    • SpaceX and Tesla are doing well - not staring death in the face, might be on the horizon but need to keep working hard
    • CEO of company has high chore level - hates doing chores but its the reality - personnel, legal, if you don’t work on them, the company suffers - sheer volume of work is insane
  • SpaceX
    • Goal is to make humans a multi-planetary species - its inspiring
    • Hasn’t seen any evidence of aliens yet
    • Would be good to find aliens - that will help SpaceX grow more
    • Pipeline:
      • Orbital rockets and space station crews
      • Global communication system in space - Starlink - satellite system is great for remote locations
        • Connecting a lot of remote schools in Brazil - so doing good for places that have poor or expensive connectivity - need digital connectivity in modern world
      • Permanently crewed base on the moon - don’t have to keep coming back - can build epic telescopes on the moon - detect aliens, etc
      • Going to Mars doesn’t technically require government support but it would be good to have it
        • Key is to get the city on Mars to be self-sustaining - need large base of resources on Mars, nothing can be missing
        • Its the great filter of going to multi planetary species
        • Life on Earth is going to end some day - sun will expand, boil oceans, etc - so if you don’t expand beyond Earth its like signing the death warrant - humans also have WW3 danger
        • Which will come first: WW3 or going to Mars?
  • Nuclear Fusion
    • Tokamak style - donut ring with electro magnets that control the plasma - need to just scale it up - need to optimize surface to volume ratio - can have a hot zone in the center far away from the walls and more of a hot zone
    • Question is whether its economically viable or not - he doesn’t think it is by an order of magnitude
      • Can’t just use normal hydrogen - deuterium, tritium, helium3 - unusual forms of hydrogen - there’s not a lot of this raw material - its expensive
      • Have to translate the hot thing to usable electricity - cost of fuel issue that is very significant - difficult maintenance issues
    • Better alternatives: Solar, Wind, Hydro, some Tidal - we already have a gigantic fusion reactor in the sky that works every day
    • Can we scale up our solar power generation 1000x today?
      • Maybe yes - 100mile*100 mile square in Utah or Texas can power entire US
      • Can extend to water - earth is 70% water so we can have 100 times power generation
    • What happens in that world?
      • Low birth rates worldwide - currently headed towards population decline - education, urbanization lead to birth rate plummeting
      • The wealthier or more educated you are the fewer kids you have
      • So not sure who will use that energy
      • Maybe if we have a very robot oriented economy then we can use all this extra energy
      • This is the biggest single threat to human survival - low birth rates
      • People are dumb thinking fewer kids are better for the environment - we can double the number of humans
      • Can’t have civilizations just dwindle into nothing - Japan population dropped by 600K last year - lowest birth rates ever
      • At least need to maintain our numbers - can’t end civilization with adult diapers and a whimper
      • “How can I bring a child into this terrible world?” Respond with “Have you read history?”
  • CA to TX
    • Gigafactory is 3*size of pentagon - so big its weird - took JCal 45 minutes to find Elon
    • Will extend building to a mile long, 0.25 miles wide, 80 ft tall
    • Need to maximize economies of scale
    • Rail cars of cell raw materials coming in, building cells, battery packs, casting cars
    • Big innovation where they’re casting cars directly
    • Sandy Monroe correctly criticized Tesla Model 3 issues - very difficult to make in single casting - 120 pieces went down to 1
    • In CA even if Gavin Newsom wants to do it, there are too many litigators and bureaucrats that will get in the way - taxes are too high
    • CA has gone from land of opportunity to taxation hell hole
    • 18 months to build in Austin, would have been still working on permits in CA
    • How to fix this?
      • People in CA have to get fed up - only will happen if Republicans have > 0% chance of winning in CA, right now its 100% democrats - how will party be responsive to people if they are guaranteed to win
  • Economy
    • Called 2022 recession in 2021
    • If boom goes on for too long it leads to mis-allocation of capital and human capital - people do silly things not good for their fellow human beings - need an “economic enema” - “this too shall pass”
    • Need to be careful with money if you’re running a company
    • Paypal days
      • Raised $100M in March 2000 - VCs were wiring money to their account without a term sheet - had sleuthed their bank account number - there was lot of demand
      • In April 2000 market went into free fall - in a month - even good companies couldn’t raise money
      • Paypal almost went bankrupt in 2000 so got lucky with that money
      • In 3 weeks got and Confinity merger done and raised $100M - was lucky
      • Watch your costs, cash flow, get to positive cash flow asap
    • Probably are in recession and it will get worse
    • Rough going for 12-18 months
    • Software companies having a hard time first - canaries in the coal mine
  • Immigration
    • Elon, Friedberg, Sacks came from South Africa
    • Chamath, Elon came via Canada
    • Immigration is like talent recruitment
    • Think of it like a pro sports team
    • If you want to win the league, add aces from other teams
    • These people want to come here - why are we fighting them off to not come here
    • We should be recruiting these stars to come here and work - that’s the way to win
    • We want anyone with strong work ethic to come to the US - Mexico, Europe, China, etc
    • Not sure why Biden isn’t different from Trump on this issue
    • Real President is whoever controls the teleprompter
    • This administration doesn’t seem to get a lot done - Trump administration at least had lot of people who get a lot done
    • Jeff Bezos disinformation tweet against Biden
      • Inflation is because government printed a lot of money - more than it had
      • Issues checks far in excess of revenue - velocity of money remaining constant
      • Federal government writes checks that never bounce - effectively creation of more dollars - with same number of goods and services its leads to inflation
      • Can’t make deficit 100 times bigger - can’t because it will make dollar worthless - happened in Venezuela and Argentina
    • True economy is output of goods and services - money is just a way to exchange goods and services and exchange obligations over time - its a database - an information system for labor allocation
    • Can apply information theory to money - explains why one thing is worse than other
    • Like good quality network - high bandwidth, low jitter
    • Paypal innovation was increasing bandwidth of money - people were mailing checks - now faster way to send money
      • They basically disintermediated cobol databases with batch processing - instead provided real time system
  • China
    • Not monolithic - everything is not a plot by the Chinese government - many factions within China that compete vigorously within China - tremendous number of hard working smart people in China that want to get ahead and get things done
    • Chinese economy is going to be 2-3 times size of US - better stop infighting in the US - need to stop punching ourselves in the face - need to be competitive - new kid on the block is going to be 2-3 times our size, better step up our game and stop infighting
    • Do we need to lose the game first - or need a war?
    • Tesla work ethic in US is substantially greater than typical car company
      • But China is more
  • Politics at work
    • Point of a company is to produce useful products and services for your fellow human beings - its not a political gathering place - lets not lose sight of why a company should exist


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