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All In Podcast Episode 126 Recap and Notes April 28 2023

April 28 2023

  • Chamath likes lab-grown meat
  • Big tech
    • Google stock is up
    • Announced $70B stock buy back plan
    • Cloud unit is profitable first time in its history
    • DeepMind and Google Brain merger
    • Sundar feeling the strain
    • Search revenue up YoY, down vs quarter
    • Net Income $15B
    • 2 things not presented were striking - Operating Costs and Model, competition vs OpenAI
    • Seems there’s a lot of internal confidence in Google that they will AI
    • Shareholders might lose faith if they don’t see proper technical direction from Google - might lose to Microsoft, Apple and Meta
    • Google has huge advantage over Microsoft which is completely dependent on OpenAI
    • They made a blunder by making transformers open and letting OpenAI get it - but they can recover
    • Demis Hassabis went around Sundar to Larry apparently
    • Don’t need CEO change to do 15-20% force reduction to get company humming on all cylinders
    • We are now well past peak big tech - these are ex-growth large cash flow businesses - the way they grow is not through innovation - when was the last breakthrough stuff any of these companies did - even in the 2010s - (Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft) - core organic innovation hasn’t been there for a long while
    • Foundational platform shift has shown these guys aren’t really innovating
    • These companies have transitioned to being cash cows - thats why they are doing layoffs, etc to get bottom line better, use cash flows to borrow money cheaply - can kind of manipulate all kinds of financial metrics
    • Growth of all these is down single digits - Google 3%, Microsoft 7%, Facebook 3-4%
    • Still they all beat expectations
    • Google was the only one who didn’t give upbeat forecast - others said things were going to get better
  • Powell interview (hoax call from Zelenskyy pretenders apparently?) - he said there is likely recession
    • Said its necessary to cool off labor market and wages to combat inflation - the only way we know how - this is his view
    • He said he thinks the only way to combat inflation is to kill the economy
    • Alternatives could be to cut spending and not print so much money
      • Or address supply side - could address cost of energy to keep costs low
    • Fundamentally they flooded the economy with money by printing and quantitative easing - and now destroying the economy
    • Unemployment hacking has become a high art
    • Labor force participation rate is much lower than it could be - much more positive way to address the problem - people could help jobs
    • Tech companies seem to be a little immune - seems like they have some bloat, so can keep cutting
    • Companies seem to have better data than the Fed
    • We are now in ex-China world order - no one can do things cheaper than China - when we near-shore or on-shore stuff that used to be in China, costs will go up, things will be naturally more inefficient - terminal inflation is going to be roughly higher
    • So more power goes to Labor
    • Labor vs Capital
    • But AI is a counterbalance
    • Harvey AI raises $21M in Series A led by Sequoia
    • Knowledge workers will charge less and less
  • AI update
    • JCal got plugin access to OpenAI from Greg Brockman directly
    • Doing email sending tasks using code, etc and had lot of success
    • ~30% of knowledge workers’ work can be automated by the end of this year
    • If you’re not using this right now you will be out of a job in 2 years
      • Like people who didn’t know how to use computers 30 years ago - they were out of the workforce soon
    • Other way of looking at this is that workers get 30% more productive instead of losing 30% of employees - so now they can charge more
    • The game is people connecting all these things
    • Debate vs whether its easy to do or not
    • PWC put in $1B into AI
      • These are the first people who will use this
    • Friedberg shout out to Mckay Wrigley - who didn’t know how to code in 2019 - he put together an AR system using ChatGPT to figure out nutrition for some object he puts in front of the camera
    • What’s more exciting is all the new amazing stuff that we can do now
  • SF real estate fire sale
    • 80% discount on price - who will buy this?
    • Land banking
    • 30% vacancy in SF - and going up
    • Will take years of growth to absorb
    • You can slash rent but will struggle to fill it - there is no demand
    • This is similar to growth companies with slashed valuations - they have value, just not as much
    • Seems these assets are all related
    • Cellphone traffic is down 70% in downtown SF
      • 31% of pre-pandemic levels
    • Wider bay area is vibrant
    • JCal announcement from last week of looking for San Mateo office space got great response - people just giving it to him for free
  • SF crime update
    • DA dropped charges against the guy who assaulted Don Carmigniani
    • There is video showing him being chased after - photo of him released showed he got hit really bad
    • Video also released of someone who matched his description bear spraying people sleeping on the sidewalk
    • Crazy SF chaos and lawlessness - its like Gotham City
  • Lab meat
    • 3 alternatives to traditional animal protein
      • Use soy protein (impossible) or pea protein (beyond)
        • This was hot for a while
        • Biggest return ever maybe for Kleiner Perkins (beyond ipo)?
      • Use recombinant DNA techniques
        • 100M liters of chemical biomanufacturing capacity on the earth
        • Eggs is $200B a year - methane from cows contributes to global warming
      • Cellular meat
        • Wagyu meat, shrimp, etc - trying to make cells/meat
        • very expensive
  • Amazon earnings
    • Stock went up after good earnings
  • Robert F Kennedy Jr
    • His dad ran for Democratic nomination - his brother JFK was assassinated
    • Lyndon Johnson was popular but was brought down by Vietnam War
    • His dad was close to winning nomination - but was assassinated too
    • Same situation with Biden who is not doing well and having trouble in Ukraine war
      • Has rejected multiple attempts at a peace deal - China might be in driving seat and putting together some kind of settlement
    • RFKJr is already polling at 19% right out of the gate
    • Good initial remarks
      • Role of CIA during his uncle’s administration - purpose to funnel resources to Military Industrial Complex
        • Apparent former CIA operatives role in Hunter Biden laptop story
      • Poverty and recession at home is accompanied by war abroad
      • Covid Lockdown critic
        • So now he’s being labeled as an Anti-Vaxxer
    • Environmental activist - helped clean up the Hudson river
  • Shoutout to Rae for Ep 125 meetups!


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