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All In Podcast Episode 127 Recap and Notes May 5 2023

May 5 2023

  • Robert F Kennedy Jr joins the show!
  • Foreign Policy: Ukraine/Russia
    • Is this a humanitarian crisis or war effort?
    • This is an existential crisis for Russia
    • 2014 administration supported violent coup overthrow of democratically elected government of Ukraine
      • So Russia invaded Crimea
      • Ukraine government illegalized Donbass language and culture - prompting civil war - killing 1000s of them
      • Putin, while violent was not irrational to take the Donbass
    • Best settlement for war was outlined in the Minsk Accords
    • US has been doing integrative military exercises with Ukraine, integrating them into NATO forces - this was a red line for Russia
    • JFK said: #1 job of a president is to keep the country out of the war
    • Biden is pro war
    • Trump walking away from missile treaty was another provocation for Russia
    • George Kennan - why do we even have NATO anymore - when Soviet Union collapsed
  • Taiwan
    • De-escalate the conflict
    • Don’t commit the country to bloody wars by forcing candidates to answer aggressive questions
  • Spending
    • Debt $32T
    • GDP $25T
    • Military expenditure - $8.4T
      • security stuff is $1.1T/year
      • 800 bases around the world
    • Make America too expensive to conquer - arm it to the teeth at home
    • Borrowing $6B/day from China and Japan mainly to pay back interest
    • Social security might go bankrupt in 2034-35
    • France is raising retirement age
    • Projections made in the past were based on shorter life spans
    • Social safety net has to change because people are living longer
    • 30 million Americans are starving per month - food stamps in one instance went down from $283/mo to $25/mo - same time sent $750M to Ukraine
    • In order to pay for the Ukraine war - we are screwing every American
    • Paying $300B to SVB
  • Deep State
    • Deep skepticism for Kennedy family about CIA
    • Assange is a new publisher
    • Snowden was a whistleblower - congress passed laws based on his work so why is he being vilified
  • Covid
    • Ivermectin and HCL were proven to work against Coronavirus
      • But federal law says its illegal to do emergency use vax if you have working treatment - so that would have killed $100B vax program
    • US has 4.2% of world population but 16% of covid deaths
    • Nigeria takes HCL every week on Sunday
    • Half the country takes Ivermectin
    • 14 deaths per million
    • 3000 deaths per million in the US
    • US Blacks died at 3.6% of Whites in the US
    • Haiti, Fiji never had a pandemic with super low vaccination rates
    • Africa has barely 10% vax rate and pandemic barely hit
    • 140 military contractors involved in vax manufacturing
    • 3.3M businesses shut down
    • Police gave surfers $1000 tickets pulling them out of the ocean but would send sick people home from hospitals and cause super spreader events
    • Vaccines are the one medical product that doesn’t have to go through placebo control testing
    • Beginning 1989 chronic disease epidemic blew up in the US
      • Allergies, Autism, Asthma, Anophylaxis, Auto Immune Disease
    • Manufacturers’ inserts for the 72 vaccines include these diseases as side effects
    • Vax is a gold rush - no need for marketing costs coz government will mandate it, they don’t need to do proper testing upstream and you can’t sue them downstream
  • Energy
    • Nuclear
      • Insurance won’t give a policy
      • So accident burden is borne by taxpayer
      • Fukushima is leaking radiation into the water
      • $9B-$16B to build a nuclear power plant
      • There is no way it will compete with a free market capitalistic solution
    • Solar and Wind are winning because they are cheaper - there is no cost of fuel
    • Coal is really bad
    • Renewal resources might run out in the middle of the next decade
    • North Dakota, Montana and Texas have enough wind energy for whole of North American
    • Antiquated grid system that does not transmit electrons across the country
    • Nuclear has to internalize their costs instead of externalizing their costs and internalizing their profits
  • Culture wars
    • Bodily autonomy
    • Lot of progress has been made in women’s sports
    • Difficult issue
    • Important to teach children history - all the good and bad parts
    • Should put huge resources into public schools - instead of spending $1B on stealth bombers that can’t fly in the rain
  • Media
    • Fauci lifted Obama’s moratorium on gain of function research
    • Covid origins
    • Vax effectiveness
    • RFK Jr was friends with Roger Ailes
    • Anderson Cooper and other news casters have their shows sponsored by pharma companies
    • NZ and USA have pharma advertising - US has worse health results than Europe
    • Pharma drugs are 3rd biggest killers of Americans after cancer and heart attacks
    • ABC news person asked him about vaccines then cut out his response claiming he was lying/wrong
  • Bestie Debrief
    • Let him have a platform and speak freely
    • Truth teller and willing to cause disagreement instead of placating
    • Scion of elite family has interesting role where he is critiquing regulatory capture
  • All In Summit 2023
    • Los Angeles - Sep 10-12 2023
    • VIP Experience still has $7500 - special VIP dinners, special sections
    • $1500 general admission pass
    • Scholarship


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