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All In Podcast Episode 133 Recap and Notes Jun 16 2023

June 16 2023

  • Chamath flew Southwest to Vegas poker tournament
  • Brad Gerstner is on in place of David Sacks!
  • Fed rate hikes
    • IPO market picking up again?
    • Arm filed documents
      • Arm acquisition by NVidia was cancelled by regulators
      • Seems Softbank is seeking some liquidity - they have had this position for 6-7 years now
    • Tech had a bad year 2022
      • Now Tech is going up again so its just reversion to the mean
    • Hard to cut rates when China will print trillions soon
  • AI boom has been amazing for market
    • It will change all kinds of businesses
    • Will we have many AIs or 1 big AI like search
    • Instead of client server model where all data was at server and you got data in and out of it now users will be data repository and apps/AIs will come to you
    • Zuck also said on Lex Fridman that there will be many agents
    • But there is real leverage in having 1 personal assistant
    • Web search has been $20T market and could get disrupted
    • Bard and ChatGPT demos are getting quite impressive
    • Bard can serve better experiences and use that for better ads
    • Google will do well in AI but won’t have same dominance as they do in search
  • Bad mistakes by CalPERs
    • Low allocation in tech
    • Horrible partner selection
  • Reddit strikes
    • Many subreddits went dark to protest Reddit pricing policy
    • No need to build app network on top of a social network that is already quite self sufficient
    • Reddit is unique that most of the value is in community and users and they have the power to organize and unionize and decide where value goes - not in employees, or management team or VCs, etc
    • Facebook quelled this kind of stuff unemotionally in the past - Reddit might do the same
    • Reddit should just cut the users a deal
    • Facebook is launching Project92 - text based social network
      • Creators to be compensated
      • Apparently inspired by BlueSky
  • Mistral AI raises 105M euro after 4 weeks
    • Might be better to invest in Nvidia instead
    • Just subsidizing capex - paying money to just rent equipment
    • Instead Comerica Bank or JP Morgan or someone should just give a lease line
    • In the US, replace mergers and acquisitions with copy and compete - what incentive structure is in place for entrepreneurs to build businesses - coz big tech isn’t allowed to acquire but will copy instead
    • $100M capital spent training today will be $1M spent training 18 months from now - so why spend all this now? What’s the bet it will pay off with this immediacy?
    • Alternatively invest in places where cost curve is not coming down - build shipping port, toll booth system on a road, space exploration, etc
  • Bill Gates funded mosquito project in Colombia
    • Each year 400M people infected by Dengue, 100M get sick, 21000 deaths
    • Edes Egiptia is the species of mosquito that are carrying this and Yellow Fever, etc
    • Wolbachia bacteria - natural - 40% of mosquitoes infected with it - interferes with their ability to spread viruses
    • In Indonesia they observed a 75% reduction of infection when they did this experiment - no genetic modification - just exposure to bacteria
    • What is natural is for people to get infected with bacteria and viruses and die
    • What is human progress but engineering?
    • SideNote: Friedberg recommends only zinc-oxide sunscreen
      • He doesn’t use anything with TinOxate, OxyBenzone, etc
      • These are endocrine disruptors
      • Side effect is that you look weird
    • People ignore linear improvements incrementally by technology but when something goes bad its a big step down and people want to withdraw
  • Fill out the listener survey!


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