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All In Podcast Episode 134 Recap and Notes Jun 23 2023

June 23 2023

  • Intro
    • Sacks and BG were at a Coatue Conference
      • Feds quietly drop 5 charges against SBF
    • Brad Gerstner back again!
    • Insert conspiracy theories about no Sacks last week and no Friedberg this week
    • Coatue lunchboxes looked so bad
    • SBF was the hot ticket at the previous year
    • Magnificent 7 from Cramer (7 stocks make up most of the gains in the market)
      • Meta, Tesla, Nvidia, Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft, Apple
    • Chamath in Milan - gets a hair fluffer during his haircut
    • Sacks played testimonial from fan of the pod at Coatue
  • Zuck vs Elon cage match
    • Zuck has been training a lot
    • This is so dumb
  • Ukraine/Russia updates
    • Ukraine counter offensive not meeting expectations so far
    • High casualties
    • 16 months in - fatigue setting in, not dominating news cycle in America also
      • Americans don’t want to be in forever wars
    • Apparent rejection of ceasefire by the West
    • Naftali Bennett claims there was a potential peace agreement
    • Putin flashing some apparent document about the agreement - and no one has refuted it
    • Apparently Boris Johnson was flown in to blow up the deal
    • Ukraine publication (pro) writing in May 2022 also claims Boris Johnson said Ukraine should reject Russian peace deal
    • Fiona Hill (also a Russia hawk apparently) claimed Russian peace deal was available
    • At the time - 2+ months into war - there was a peace deal available and the agreement was not made and now a year+ later its a disaster
    • Such a terrible situation
    • Apparently ~3-4M people have died in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan since Sep 11 2001 issue - we spent 8T (World War spending was 4T inflation adjusted)
    • Lloyd Austin - secretary of defense has said they want to weaken Russia
    • Has actually weakened US in some ways - out of 150mm artillery shells - ripped off by Military Industrial Complex
    • Russia is using 20000 shells a day, Ukraine is using 3000-6000
    • Matt Yglesias wrote a year ago about how this war is a good deal for the West because its trading NATO weapons + Ukraine lives for Russian weapons+lives
    • Russia-China-Iran working together - Iran giving drones to Russia, Russia giving jets to Iran - this would be a huge power - to challenge the US - they have more manufacturing capacity + war capacity
  • Blinken trip to China
    • Blinken is in China while Biden is calling Xi a dictator - huge gaffe
      • Biden said this at a fundraiser where Besties were invited - but apparently they didn’t go
    • Chinese index was up heading into the meetings
    • Blinken wasn’t scheduled to meet Xi - on Day 1 there was a meeting with the foreign minister, went well apparently and so he met with Xi
    • Market reaction post meeting was negative
    • This was a stabilizing moment
    • US-China relations have been at the lowest point they ever have been (according to Chinese readout)
    • US wanted to discuss Ukraine but China didn’t because they said Russia-China relations is none of the US business
    • Soviet bloc vs Western bloc - was never more than 1/3rd of US economy
    • China already has a listening outpost in Cuba - and now might be training troops - this could be a violation of Monroe doctrine
      • That foreign troops can’t be in Western hemisphere
    • Business leaders don’t want decoupling - better if political and business leaders were more in sync
      • ByteDance just bought billions of NVidia chips for example
    • Have created a dangerous revolving door between largest industrial units and highest positions of power
    • Taiwanese citizen should look at the writing on the wall and see that US is ready to not be dependent on TSMC - might get chips from Europe and Mexico
      • Think about why Buffett got out of TSMC
        • People speak with their dollars/feet
    • Blinken reaffirmed current US policy
  • RFK Jr
    • Hit piece/stray hit by Matt Yglesias against AllInPod
      • The guy who wants to let Ukrainians die is calling RFKJr anti-human
      • This is a typical disciplinary tactic by people who want to prevent different positions
    • Insidious how even talking to RFK Jr is not allowed
      • Besties have hosted Ro Khanna, Joe Manchin, DeSantis also
    • Michael Shellenberger’s reporting on how patient zero for Covid came from Wuhan lab - a lab funded by the US
    • Fauci knew that at the beginning of the pandemic that his funding might have caused the problems with the lab
    • 46% of tv news advertising comes from pharma
    • These companies were given a pass - if you criticize them the media will come after you
  • Startup secondary market shares are heating up
    • Huge discounts on shares
    • 1400 unicorns at the end of 2022 - almost all of them will have to do a down round - and many of them will be down 50+%
    • In 2020 we had 145 IPOs, in the last 2 years we have had 4
    • Sell your businesses or get profitable - there is no middle ground
  • Ford receives $9.2B loan from Federal department of energy to build EV battery factories
    • 3 other companies got loans in the past - Tesla is the only one that paid it back (with interest)
    • Energy sector is going crazy how to exploit subsidies introduced by misnamed Inflation Reduction Act


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