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All In Podcast Episode 144 Recap and Notes September 1 2023

Sep 1 2023

  • Friedberg has red eye
  • Chamath poker stories
  • Chamath Man in the Arena comments
    • Chamath as Gladiator AI meme
  • Biden administration targeting Elon’s businesses
    • Tesla for building a glass house
    • SpaceX for not hiring refugees and asylum seekers
      • SpaceX is a rocket company so advanced weapons style regulations - already governed by export control laws - not allowed to hire those kinds of people - only US citizens and green card holders
      • Even DOJ can’t hire these people
      • Seeking unprecedented remedies - anyone who was screened out is owed backpay - assuming they could have got a job
    • Apparently Biden himself was using a pseudonym as Robert Peters to email businesses
      • Comer investigation
    • Wouldn’t invite him to EV summit because they are not a union shop
    • Biden praised GM CEO for starting EV revolution
    • All because they can’t control Twitter
      • When he bought Twitter, the biggest psy-ops operation run by the Democratic party was taken away
    • Stretching every law they can to go after this guy - the goal is to tie him up and distract him and take resources from him
    • Biden himself sent out the signal to admin people to find something on him - when he said something like “his relationships with other countries should be looked at”
  • Nikki Haley got a big bounce post GOP debate
    • Trump people want to have 2-3 people each with 10-15% instead of 1 person with 30%
    • Republican base thinks Vivek got the biggest bounce
    • Vivek and DeSantis are neck and neck for #2
    • People attacking Vivek are the neocons and think tanks who want to be in the forever wars
    • Noteworthy that top 3 candidates in GOP have expressed misgivings about US involvement in Ukraine - that’s telling you something important
    • Oliver Anthony said politicians weaponized his song - older conservative politicians who involved the country in forever wars
  • Tiger Global hit piece
    • Leaked to Chamath
      • Besties decided not to publish it
    • Tiger said recently that a disgruntled former employee did so
    • Chamath knows Chase
  • BRICS added 6 new members
    • Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Argentina, UAE, Egypt

    • Disrespectful americans call countries mid

    • BRICS share of global GDP is largest and growing

    • BRICS doing better

    • Strategic choices - 26 countries applied and chose 6

    • Trying to not have to go through the dollar complex - defensive stance

    • Want economic sovereignty

    • Skepticism

      • BRICS original bank hasn’t disbursed a single dollar

      • They have not been able to lay down any fiber

      • China and India are in a land war

      • Anti-chinese resentment in India and Brazil

      • Odds of legislation coordination are less

      • But SWIFT is still doing much better

      • Some are democracies, some are authoritarian

    • Desire to see larger percentage of global GDP to de-dollarize

    • Need a quick win - some policy agreement

    • But they have agreed to not sanction any member of BRICS

    • US can’t affect their trade between each of them which is > 50% of world trade

    • America should think about getting India into the G7

    • Lula from Brazil has openly questioned why countries should base their trade on the dollar

    • India and US want to partner to stop China

    • As problematic India vs China is, India-Russia has always been a strong partnership

    • Russia is now supplying half of India’s oil - India has been emphatic that its not going to be told what to do by Westerners - in spite of intense Western pressure

    • India will do what’s right for its people and protect its own sovereignty

    • Nuclear Energy

      • India - 8 new
        • Turned on 1st home built one in Gujarat
      • China - 21 new
      • US - only 1 new one apparently
      • Chamath-JCal back and forth on nuclear collaboration
        • India doesn’t really need the help, especially from the US
      • Larry Summers - when China goes abroad, it gives money, when US goes abroad, it gives lectures
        • When America disagrees, it changes the rules - the rules based international order is whatever America says - they seized foreign reserves of Russia

        • The US runs NATO because we pay for it

  • AIS Parties
    • 007
    • Barbie High
    • BestieRunner
      • Grimes will be DJ
    • Sponsors
      • iConnections
      • Cooley (law firm)
      • House of Macadamias
        • Made salt and vinegar macadamia bag
      • mineral based sunscreen company
      • coffee device
    • Chamath wants complete control in 2025


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