Sep 1 2023
- Friedberg has red eye
- Chamath poker stories
- Chamath Man in the Arena comments
- Chamath as Gladiator AI meme
- Biden administration targeting Elon’s businesses
- Tesla for building a glass house
- SpaceX for not hiring refugees and asylum seekers
- SpaceX is a rocket company so advanced weapons style regulations - already governed by export control laws - not allowed to hire those kinds of people - only US citizens and green card holders
- Even DOJ can’t hire these people
- Seeking unprecedented remedies - anyone who was screened out is owed backpay - assuming they could have got a job
- Apparently Biden himself was using a pseudonym as Robert Peters to email businesses
- Comer investigation
- Wouldn’t invite him to EV summit because they are not a union shop
- Biden praised GM CEO for starting EV revolution
- All because they can’t control Twitter
- When he bought Twitter, the biggest psy-ops operation run by the Democratic party was taken away
- Stretching every law they can to go after this guy - the goal is to tie him up and distract him and take resources from him
- Biden himself sent out the signal to admin people to find something on him - when he said something like “his relationships with other countries should be looked at”
- Nikki Haley got a big bounce post GOP debate
- Trump people want to have 2-3 people each with 10-15% instead of 1 person with 30%
- Republican base thinks Vivek got the biggest bounce
- Vivek and DeSantis are neck and neck for #2
- People attacking Vivek are the neocons and think tanks who want to be in the forever wars
- Noteworthy that top 3 candidates in GOP have expressed misgivings about US involvement in Ukraine - that’s telling you something important
- Oliver Anthony said politicians weaponized his song - older conservative politicians who involved the country in forever wars
- Tiger Global hit piece
- Leaked to Chamath
- Besties decided not to publish it
- Tiger said recently that a disgruntled former employee did so
- Chamath knows Chase
- Leaked to Chamath
- BRICS added 6 new members
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Argentina, UAE, Egypt
Disrespectful americans call countries mid
BRICS share of global GDP is largest and growing
BRICS doing better
Strategic choices - 26 countries applied and chose 6
Trying to not have to go through the dollar complex - defensive stance
Want economic sovereignty
BRICS original bank hasn’t disbursed a single dollar
They have not been able to lay down any fiber
China and India are in a land war
Anti-chinese resentment in India and Brazil
Odds of legislation coordination are less
But SWIFT is still doing much better
Some are democracies, some are authoritarian
Desire to see larger percentage of global GDP to de-dollarize
Need a quick win - some policy agreement
But they have agreed to not sanction any member of BRICS
US can’t affect their trade between each of them which is > 50% of world trade
America should think about getting India into the G7
Lula from Brazil has openly questioned why countries should base their trade on the dollar
India and US want to partner to stop China
As problematic India vs China is, India-Russia has always been a strong partnership
Russia is now supplying half of India’s oil - India has been emphatic that its not going to be told what to do by Westerners - in spite of intense Western pressure
India will do what’s right for its people and protect its own sovereignty
Nuclear Energy
- India - 8 new
- Turned on 1st home built one in Gujarat
- China - 21 new
- US - only 1 new one apparently
- Chamath-JCal back and forth on nuclear collaboration
- India doesn’t really need the help, especially from the US
- Larry Summers - when China goes abroad, it gives money, when US goes abroad, it gives lectures
When America disagrees, it changes the rules - the rules based international order is whatever America says - they seized foreign reserves of Russia
The US runs NATO because we pay for it
- India - 8 new
- AIS Parties
- 007
- Barbie High
- BestieRunner
- Grimes will be DJ
- Sponsors
- iConnections
- Cooley (law firm)
- House of Macadamias
- Made salt and vinegar macadamia bag
- mineral based sunscreen company
- coffee device
- Chamath wants complete control in 2025