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All In Podcast Episode 149 Recap and Notes October 13 2023

October 13 2023

  • Friedberg out 😟
  • Hamas terror attacks in Israel
    • Attack is similar to 9-11
    • Lets hope and pray for not more escalating wars
    • Hamas didn’t attack uniformed Israeli forces - they attacked civilians
    • 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza - half are kids
    • Seems like Hamas strategy is to leverage the civilians to foment outrage against Israel if they attack
    • US politicians who are braying for escalation by Israel seem to not have done a full accounting of the mistakes of America going to war over the last 2 decades
    • One of the intentions for this action seems to be to ruin any chances of peace between Israel and the rest of the middle east
  • Trump administration wins
    • Abraham accords was a big win
    • Almost accord between Israel and Saudi
    • Trump Derangement Syndrome is causing more damage than he ever did
    • And TDS is now causing issues
    • He was right
      • Border wall - he was right
      • Long term interest rate refinancing - he was right
      • Structural peace in the middle east - he was right
    • MSNBC called Hamas “fighters”
    • Listen to Lex Fridman podcast with Jared Kushner
      • Kushner is actually thoughtful and smart - he was maligned mistakenly
      • He did focus groups and had fresh ideas
  • Harvard Students Letter
    • Anti semitic
    • These elite organizations were unable to denounce Hamas terrorist attacks
    • Woke madrassas brain washing kids
    • University didn’t denounce the letter
    • Harvard, Stanford, UPenn, Cornell - all these students are crazy
    • Bill Ackman tweet about not hiring these kids
    • On these campuses you are basically auto-added to student orgs based on your skin color
    • They are so blind they don’t even mention Hamas or the atrocities
    • Woke folks are like cultural marxists
      • Divide people into identity groups
      • Oppressed vs oppressors
      • Have to ignore asian american’s success - An Inconvenient Minority by Kenny Xu
      • Have to ignore jewish people’s success - join them with the whites and ignore their success
      • This version of social justice is defined as collective guilt
    • These idiotic harvard students want to cancel people for their decade old tweets and now don’t want to be canceled themselves
    • Wokeism is a rejection of excellence
  • US geopolitical issues
    • Procurement systems here are bad - $6000 for artillery shells here, $600 in Russia
    • US will need to help Israel
    • They already sent their Israel stockpile to Ukraine
    • Israel is an ally - but US stockpiles are dangerously depleted now because of Ukraine war
    • We need excellence in leadership - this is why Vivek is doing well - he represents excellence
    • This is why Obama did well - he was excellent - same for Clinton
    • Biden and Trump are not the leaders we need - cognitively
    • China and Russia are also world powers - they can out-produce us
    • US will have a problem in a multi polar world if it doesn’t work with other countries instead of fighting every war
    • Sanctioning half the world
    • WSJ blamed Iran, other publications refuted it
    • Trump did well with soft power during North Korea meeting
    • Trump did well with starting no wars
      • He was willing to do business and not do moralizing all the time - its the art of the deal - he kept saying how smart the other leaders were
    • If not for covid he would have been re-elected in a landslide


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