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All In Podcast Episode 151 Recap and Notes October 27 2023

October 27 2023

  • Besties putting their cabinet together

  • Sacks Twitter Space

    • Vivek

    • Elon

    • Col. Daniel Davis

    • Alexander Mercouris

    • Vivek had the idea to do it

    • Elon is also hearing this kind of concern from leaders he speaks with

    • Ukraine war needs to end - counter-offensive started in June has not worked - need to stop the war

      • Continuing war just withers the flower of Ukrainian youth 😟
    • US should not be in a proxy war with Russia

    • This should not continue with what’s happening in the middle east

    • Middle East crisis, 3 possible scenarios

      • Israel wants to go in but being asked to wait by Americans so they can get ready
      • 1 - Successful Israel, Hezbollah and Iran can’t get in
      • 2 - Attack doesn’t really work, muddle way to ceasefire after public outcry
      • 3 - Backfires - west bank as 3rd front and hezbollah in the north activate, so fighting wars on multiple fronts
    • Republican neocons like Lindsey Graham wants war with Iran

      • They wanted to invade Iran back in 2003 when Bush administration chose Iraq first with the understanding Iran will come later
      • WSJ is a leading neocon publication
    • How to interpret Iran’s role intertwined with history of petrodollars

    • Friedberg is worried about the world marching towards nuclear war

    • Conventional weapons - we are running out of them

    • So might not be able to retreat or recede from these wars

    • Humans who are convinced of the righteousness of their cause will just waive away or justify any tactical concerns

      • MacArthur who was not a “crazy” wanted to use nukes but got fired by Truman who paid a political price
      • In Cuban missile crisis our generals wanted to use nukes also
    • 1 year before Biden admin said use of cluster bombs was a war crime but 1 year later when they ran out of other stuff, they justified their use of cluster bombs

    • We are dangerously low on key types of ammunition

    • Biden sees no limits on US power - all his experiences are shaped by times when US was global hegemon - no longer in that position and so he’s dangerous, he doesn’t realize we’re not so much stronger anymore

    • Iran is stronger than Iraq

    • World nuclear powers

  • Macro picture

    • GDP up 4.9%

    • Fintech companies not doing well

    • Starlink and Stripe are the only businesses that could open up IPO markets

    • Crazy amount of startups shutting down

    • 100% NDR companies trade at 3-5x ARR

    • Stripe is the benchmark company

    • Google, Tesla, Facebook and even Microsoft are down

    • People are pricing in higher rates for longer

  • Cruise

    • They apparently didn’t share all the video footage initially - this is reckless and disappointing 😟
  • Hurricane Otis

    • Became a category 5 hurricane in 6 hours from the storm it was

    • Sad photos 😟 of devastation

    • Hits at 1am

    • There was no warning

    • Ocean receives and retains majority of energy coming to the earth from the sun

    • No models predicted this 😟

    • Extreme condition wasn’t accounted for in the models

    • During events like this reinsurance markets harden and rates go up

    • Home insurance too high in Florida - apparent example: $121000 a year for a home in a recent WSJ article

    • Most of the country has to underwrite coastal communities’ housing

    • Malibu homes at risk of corroding and falling into the sea

  • Jason in the middle east

    • Thinks it will be #2 region in Venture Capital in the next 10 years
  • New House Speaker

    • Mike Johnson - in Congress since 2016 - 4th term
    • Has apparently never met Mitch McConnell - several members had to google him
    • From Louisiana
    • Anti-abortion, Anti-gay marriage
    • Wants to cut medicare and social security
    • Voted against more funding for Ukraine
    • Bought into Dominion scam apparently
    • Why he won - they perceive him as a nice guy who is sufficiently conservative enough
    • Jim Jordan has rubbed folks the wrong way so he lost
    • Not anti-CRT
    • Campaign ads will write themselves
  • Trump cases

    • Going after lower level folks to flip on higher level folks to get Trump eventually


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