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All In Podcast Episode 152 Recap and Notes November 3 2023

November 3 2023

  • No JCal - Friedberg moderating!
  • AllIn CEO
    • 240 applicants so far
    • Might sell goods - tequila, etc
    • Might do a tour of 5-10 cities, etc
    • Shaan Puri applied with video on X
      • He will get a call!
    • Chamath started his newsletter and subscription service for research
    • Sacks also producing more content since Pod started
  • Ukraine War “Cronkite” moment
    • Cronkite basically went to Vietnam and came back said the war is not winnable - and that helped turn public sentiment against the war in 1968 - which still took 5 years to end
    • Now recent developments in Ukraine - Zelenskyy’s own inner circle is saying the war is lost (see Sacks articles and posts about the Time magazine article)
    • Simon Shuster is the guy who profiled Zelenskyy for Time magazine of the year
    • He has given favorable coverage to Zelenskyy in the past - so this is now a legit source
    • War will still take a long time to end
    • Now its up to the US govt folks to stop the war
    • Apparently people in Ukraine are stealing all the money that’s being donated
  • Markets are up because fiscal year buying of stocks for mutual funds starts in November 1 - they were selling till Oct 31 to do tax loss harvesting, etc - now they cant hold cash they have to buy stocks
    • War maybe ending is also a good sign
    • Lots of stocks doing well - Doordash, OpenDoor, etc
    • If you believe rate decrease is likelier than rate increase
  • Commercial Real Estate
    • $3T of CRE loans
    • Owners are trying to restructure their debt from the banks - so trying to sell property on auction for much less than the loan amount
    • Buildings selling for ~$200/sqft - 10-20% of their replacement cost
    • 08-09 is when SF started to take off - bubble - young folks, ZIRP environment
    • Sacks owns buildings in Jackson Square
      • One of the last few decent neighborhoods in SF
    • Chamath doesn’t want his team to move to an office in SF
    • No other major market has 30% vacancy rates
    • City needs to clean its act up
    • They have to choose to fire half the govt employees or become a partner to business
    • Bill Gross (PIMCO fame) is already buying bank stocks
      • Pointed to how Jamie Dimon sold $100M of stocks
    • Biden act to convert office buildings to residential buildings
      • Positive message to blue cities to fix their issues
    • SF will be a case study on return on invested capital on left wing ideology
      • If it fails it will never be tried again for a very long time
    • SF Budget shortfall will increase from ~$500M soon to like $1.7B in a few years
  • Wework Bankruptcy
    • Drowning in lease obligations
    • Burned $8B in FCF since Q4 of 2019 - capital destruction machine!
    • Smart PE player will come in and use bankruptcy to fix the lease obligations
      • Get rid of some obligations
      • Re-negotiate with landlords
    • Softbank put in $16.9B investment into WeWork
    • Old saying in real estate: “3rd owner makes all the money”
  • Biden’s executive order on AI
    • Requires companies to turn over their algorithms, systems and models to ensure it provides safety, DEI, etc
    • This order’s language is going to look like medieval literature in 3 years given the fast pace of change in the field
    • India, China, Singapore will run far ahead
    • Outlandish infringements on first amendment rights with saying we need to watermark stuff produced with AI
    • AI is being convicted of pre-crime
    • Steven Sinofsky blog is nice - he references all the fear mongering when PCs started - no one took that seriously - IBM would have been happy to work with the government
    • They don’t want foreigners to use IaaS
    • Apparently Joe Biden got more worried about AI after watching the Mission Impossible movie
    • This pulls up the ladder against open source software
    • Its activating every agency of the government to create more bureaucracy - authorize them to examine private companies’ systems and methods
    • You are in non-compliance just by existing
    • Everyone will hire lawyers and lobbyists
    • US vs India vs China
    • Time to bet on India
    • They are going to create a software commission
      • That’s the end game - they will force us to ask for it ourselves
    • This will kill the 2 guys in a garage dream
  • Silicon Valley’s right shift
    • Events in Israel exposing Democrats as anti-semitic and crazy far left leaning
    • Chamath is a case study himself
    • Liberal causes are too extreme
    • Causes
      • Reckless fiscal policy from Govt
      • SF and crime
      • Covid policies, ruined kids and work culture
      • Long con of regulatory capture with AI, etc
      • Free speech and open inquiry
      • Visionaries like Elon being targetted
      • Growing awareness that wokeness has gone way off the rails
      • Wokeness seen as breaking up the world into oppressed and oppressor
    • Way too many people on the woke left basically cheering for Hamas from day one
    • Interesting from Kamala Harris to launch a campaign on islamophobia when jews are also being attacked and are their big donors
    • Governments just grow
    • In a democracy over time there is a group of folks who get elected and so a philosophy that endures in the system that we need to overcome a power that exists
    • So you push the government as big as possible to attack systems of power for a minority of the people
    • Therefore end-game is socialism
    • Instead goal should be to figure out how to maximize benefit to people of this country through private enterprise
    • Government should stop negative outcomes but should not just grow employing people
    • Government in US has highest employee spend in human history - there is no accountability standard for anything in the government
    • AI is just software, data and statistics


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