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All In Podcast Episode 164 Recap and Notes February 2 2024

February 2 2024

  • Friedberg out
  • JCal bought Apple googles for all besties
  • Never know when you will get lucky in life
  • Senate hearing on social media
    • This is misguided - how can you end all harm - zeroism is dangerous
    • Moral panic
    • Powerful moment where Zuckerberg faced the families and apologized in court
    • In the past too people blamed other factors - Judas Priest was brought to court for their lyrics
    • Rap music was targeted in the past too
    • There is a massive law of large numbers at play here too - 1/10 of 1 percent of all users is still > 3M people
    • How does Section 230 apply here?
    • Are platforms publishers or distributors?
    • Are they editorializing or are they a newstand?
    • Section 230 says if you make a good samaritan effort to combat bad things, you should be protected
    • Parents also have to play an active role if we want social media at scale
    • Lawyers are salivating at how they were able to extract money against tobacco, etc and now at this - they are a big donor for democrats
    • In the process of being good samaritans, the social media companies started engaging in political censorship against the right - so republicans are mad and want to end Section 230 - it will hit them back
      • The companies’ liberals will become even more radical and end more right-wing content
    • Tobacco settlement in today’s dollars = $370B
    • Lawyers are seeing $$$$ signs - they will get away with it because the issues are emotional and that will dominate the thought process
    • People will not target mainstream content (movies, music, games) that are also harmful but sue the social media companies
    • Social media might start at late teens then
    • Society isn’t helping - one parent households are more vulnerable
    • CA already has a bill in progress about age restrictions on social media
    • Anger is bipartisan, the objectives are not (dems want more censorship, republicans don’t)
  • Elon’s pay package nullified
    • Elon drove one of the biggest runs in capitalism

    • Judge had to find 3 things

      • Excessive pay package
      • Negotiation not fair process
      • Shareholder vote was invalid
    • No one thought Elon would hit these numbers

      • Andrew Ross Sorkin clip where they’re laughing that these numbers would be hit
      • All stories at the time were laughing at Model 3 projections, etc
    • They came up with a plan where he would get rewarded for only outsized performance - not just decent or merely good performance

    • All wall street analysts thought it was crazy - the company had the largest short position basically ever

    • This sets a very poor standard for why someone should build a company incorporated in Delaware

    • How can you go back and retroactively nullify agreements?

    • Every other investor made $500B

    • This will cause companies to be risk averse - best enterpreneurs will stay private

    • Lawsuit brought by someone with 9 shares

    • Average compensation plan for most public company CEOs are not as good for shareholders

    • No CEO will want an incentive laden plan like this - it will be cancelled 10 years later

    • Person had choice - they were not the victim - they could have bought other stuff on the open market

    • Its more about the judge’s interpretation of Delaware law and what companies are allowed to do

    • Mary Barra would no way have done this deal

      • GM stock price has been the same
    • Compare with Tesla

    • Milestones were not just stock increases but also revenue and profit targets being meant - it wasn’t something gameable

    • Delaware is Joe Biden’s state

    • CEOs are being incentivized to increase debt and buy back shares

    • GM CEO swept almost $200M with flat stock price

  • Capitalism can be perverted by a small group of actors
  • Buffett and Munger were right about compensation consultants
  • Reddit potential IPO
    • Had raised at a $10B valuation during peak ZIRP in 2021 or so
    • Secondary trading was ~$15B
  • Drone attack issues
    • Republican senators are trying to goad Biden into attacking Iran immediately
    • Sacks predicted this harm 10 months ago


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