January 27 2023 Sacks moderating Won the poll 40%, Chamath 35% Roasting Chamath, Jason, Friedberg DOJ sues Google, pursues break up Abuses role as largest broker, supplier in mobile ad auctions Google says they’re trying to rewrite history This just shows more of the personal enmity that people in US government have towards entrepreneurs This is not a monopoly Ma Bel had effectively 100% share If you had done this chart a few years ago, Amazon would not have even been here - and now its 12% share - and only growing Focused on trying to punish great american companies Texas version of this exact lawsuit already fell out of court If they want to target Google, they should go after search Defined another way DOJ says Google has more market share - is this the right way to look at Google’s business? Friedberg was Business Product Manager around the type of DoubleClick acquisition Auction dynamic is powerful - creates best price for publisher and ...