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Showing posts from January, 2023

All In Podcast Episode 113 Notes January 27 2023

January 27 2023 Sacks moderating Won the poll 40%, Chamath 35% Roasting Chamath, Jason, Friedberg DOJ sues Google, pursues break up Abuses role as largest broker, supplier in mobile ad auctions Google says they’re trying to rewrite history This just shows more of the personal enmity that people in US government have towards entrepreneurs This is not a monopoly Ma Bel had effectively 100% share If you had done this chart a few years ago, Amazon would not have even been here - and now its 12% share - and only growing Focused on trying to punish great american companies Texas version of this exact lawsuit already fell out of court If they want to target Google, they should go after search Defined another way DOJ says Google has more market share - is this the right way to look at Google’s business? Friedberg was Business Product Manager around the type of DoubleClick acquisition Auction dynamic is powerful - creates best price for publisher and ...

All In Podcast Episode 112 Notes January 20 2023

January 20 2023 JCal nose hair shaming Friedberg is moderating Who gets credit for the podcast Republican candidates DeSantis Won the lockdown issue 70% of florida supports the so-called Dont Say Gay bill which is mislabeled and probably more about gender fluidity Remains to be seen what happens with CRT vs AP African American studies issue - latest problem Nikki Haley Has done more for climate change than any other young, parents had small business, small business person Brown woman elected to governor of SC - red state - and got stuff done Didn’t kowtow to Trump Really? Said she won’t run against Trump Chamath would vote for her Glenn Youngkin is #3 in Republican party after Trump and DeSantis He was able to win a blue state - Virginia went to Biden by 10 points - talented campaigner Will get destroyed on (lack of) record - been in the job for 18 months - but Obama was also only shortly in office Virginia has wonky 1 term limit JCal might vote for someone...

All In Podcast Episode 111 Notes January 13 2023

January 13 2023 Slate did a profile on AllIn - can’t handle how big the Pod has become Journalist have a class hatred of tech investors and entrepreneurs - if you genuflect to their points of view they treat you well Why would you want to subject yourself to their filter if you always get a hit piece Its not journalism, its activism Journalists want to do what they’re doing is because they want influence Fox vs NYT, Vox, CNN, MSNBC, Atlantic Matt Yglesias can’t understand basics of finances - percentage vs basis point He is considered mainstream Journalists are subjective and biased and uninformed There are zero checks and balances for these terrible journalists - it isn’t caught in proof reading, editing, etc So numerically illiterate so it stood out - what else is being missed - these guys are chasing clicks Gell-Mann Amnesia effect - you know journalists know only 10% Now describing AllIn in terms of Elon - its Elon for clicks Nitish Pahwa? Another article called S...

All In Podcast Episode 110 Notes January 6 2023

January 6 2023 Sacks in Florida 2023 Bestie Predictions WSJ seems to copy what the Besties do Citadel made $45B in the last 2 years Biggest Winner Politics Sacks - Asian American college applicants - lawsuit against Harvard and UNC - by students for fair admissions - claiming they violate title 6 - supreme court took up the cases - so these policies discriminate against Asian Americans - last group its OK to discriminate against in America Problem is very liberal institutions are playing judge, jury and executioner against certain parts of society Always issues of classism disguised as racism Kushner $5M check from father that helped son (apparently?) Cannot punish kids for willing to work hard Affirmative action will get repealed Any institution that gets federal funds cannot discriminate Friedberg - MBS (Mohammed Bin Salman) - Saudi Arabia will have the most important year in the modern era - Xi Jinping calls for oil trade in Yuan - Saudi Arabia has relations with...

All In Podcast Episode 109 Notes December 23 2022

  December 23 2022 Besties spent time in Tahoe JCal life hack - books restaurant 2 weeks out - 8 seats, etc and then invites his besties Sacks at Twitter HQ 🙂 2022 Bestie Awards Politics Winners What were their predictions? JCal and Sacks said DeSantis Friedberg said Putin and fell flat Chamath said Xi Jinping Actual DeSantis - won Florida, its the fastest growing state (maybe for fund raising) - projected to beat Trump in 2024 Margin of victory last time was 1%, now its 20% Maybe he’s peaking too soon? Last 7-8 nomination cycles person who has been leading polling entering Iowa caucus has lost On the flip side maybe he scares off competitors Xi Jinping - no single person in the world who is now as powerful as this one man - has complete authoritarian control over 1.4B people and 20% of world’s GDP Zelenskyy from Ukraine (surprising winner) - no one knew about him before and now he has become superstar and hero 2-3rd Kiev is without power, nearly half o...