February 11 2023
- Chamath - gave his son grief about answering the phone
- JCal - Sacks balloon disagreement
- Media is reflexively hawkish
- Nordstream
- Balloon got more attention
- Made for TV (news) moment
- Why is the Nordstream story not being covered?
- Its not made for TV
- Or has news media already picked a side?
- When it happened, US state said Russia did it - and media raced so quickly to the conclusion
- But it was Russia’s main leverage over Europe
- Seymoure Hersh story is very detailed
- Legendary pulitzer prize winning journalist - 85+ years old
- Broke Vietnam war story - that military denied until he was proven right
- Broke Abu Ghraib prison abuses - military denied it again
- Now here he is with another report of covert military action
- Does Europe know?
- Military/authorities/CIA spokesman have said this is a fiction?
- Ukraine don’t have this capability
- But probably Norway and US and UK have the capability
- Before war, Biden said if Russia invades, Nordstream will be no more
- Victoria Nuland said same thing
- Blinken said also benefits of getting rid of it
- At a hearing Nuland also affirmed how beneficial it is
- Now US has Eu natural gas
- Who had motive, means and opportunity?
- If US did it, its an incredibly provocative act - against a country armed with nuclear weapons
- So potentially scary situation
- CIA knew how to do it, Biden wanted it, Republicans wanted it
- Maybe someone was enabled how to do it
- But those theories don’t have the same level of detail or reporting that Hersh’s story did
- Seymour Hersh story has a lot of incredible detail - 1 main source - provided a ton of detail
- Media ran with govt narrative and when Jeffrey Sachs from the left and Tucker Carlson from the right questioned this, they were called Putin stooges
- Radek Sikorski - Polish diplomat - when it blew up, he tweeted a photo - Thank you USA
- Who was conducting naval exercises in the region for 3 months
- Biden’s statement is true no matter who did it
- This affects Germany so maybe they should have got a heads up - if this was planned?
- Media seems to be coordinating their responses
- Germany might pay a very high price forever - Schultz might be in trouble because of his US support - they have an industrialized economy - which needs a lot of energy - so what is their interest in this?
- Everyone is looking for external conflict - there are a lot of interested parties in war and conflict - if you’re not happy at home, you look externally for conflict
- Foreign policy establishment is funded by these interests
- Relatively harmless thing like a balloon also gets people amped up reflexively
- Eisenhower warned against this in his farewell address
- He knew of which he spoke
- Friedberg did a podcast with Brian Keating - cosmologist
- Chamath did a photoshoot a long time ago - new establishment summit
- Search Wars - Microsoft vs Google
- Both companies did live demos
- Satya is calling on Google to demo
- Rumors that they fired the failed demo people
- Google has been using DeepMind quite well - like for Youtube, Ads, etc
- Larry and Sergey read Information Retrieval textbook
- Google makes ~$3/click
- 5c-10c revenue per search done on Google
- ~50% margin
- 50% COGs (cost of goods)
- So google search costs them 2.5c per search
- ChatGPT each result takes ~30c of compute - so order of magnitude higher cost
- Lot of work to go before it becomes truly economically competitive with Google
- So maybe $80B per quarter to do this for ChatGPT to serve Google level of search
- If you were sitting on something as foundational as Google Search in 1999 would you have sold 49% of it for $10B? HARD NO
- Microsoft bought ~50% of a tool for ~$10B - Google will be forced to decay their business model to compete
- This will flow into P&L
- So business quality will degrade
- Thats why bad Bard demo snafu caused $100B market cap hit
- Google is the best business model in history
- They have to find ways to spend money - else 50-60% EBITDA margins
- So they try to do a lot more things to try to make the core treasure not look as incredible as it is
- Incredible juggernaut
- They have $100B FCF this year
- Business will get worse if Microsoft, Meta, Quora, Tencent come out with competitors
- So Google will be hit
- What is the countermeasure from Sundar?
- He should go to Board and say we will double TAC
- Apple could be paid $25B this year for google search default
- How will AI companies pay publishers?
- Google is best monetizing because it gives best search and you get links to things directly
- Hard to get advertising right when people just want the answer?
- Am I getting the best answer or am I getting the answer you were willing to pay for?
- 3/4th of Google’s TAC goes to publishers through AdSense
- Better for you to spend money to degrade your business than have a competitor do it for you
- Google pays 70c per dollar to publishers - bid on everything and always win because they pay the most for every dollar
- Neeva.com shoutout
- Will these AI products be hit by fair use rights issues?
- Take any business that is a middle man business - compete away the margins which is all the input costs that are human capital and put that in customer acquisition
- Andrej Karpathy and a few engineers can just copy Stripe
- Result is economic productivity
- So technology is more important than debt for improving the world
- Galileo.ai shoutout - design pages using AI
- This + Github Copilot means you don’t need specialized developers for your startup
- Actual result will be programmers become more productive
- Video Game industry will be disrupted - just publisher not producing games, but now tools to produce your own game
- NYT throws shade at Goldman CEO’s side gig as DJ - NYT is just offended that people are happy
- Friedberg and Chamath both played violin for many years
- Technology is fundamentally deflationary
- Google should cannibalize their own business before it is cannibalized for them
- 95% of content websites will just go away (how to do this, how to do that, etc)
- Best thing for Google to get FTC off their back is if Microsoft steals some market share
- State of the Union
Biden articulation wasn’t very good
Shared on social media by Lyn Alden - debt held by the Public is runaway - this is crazy
So have to cutback on payments in the future OR you tax a lot more and economic growth gets hit 😟
In France riots because they pushed back retirement age by 2 years
Real cost that is coming to bear for the US
If they can’t grow the economy fast enough they HAVE to raise taxes
Government is a far worse investor in economic growth than free markets
Read Ray Dalio’s book on economic cycle
Biden is doing same as Clinton in 1994 when he lost midterms - become champion of smallball
They are getting ready for DeSantis on this
- Way back when he voted for entitlement reform
There is no appetite for entitlement reform - unless its bipartisan
Republicans don’t seem to have any impulse control
American people won’t stomach entitlement reform when government has spent trillions on military wars, special interests
China is deploying solar on every rooftop in China
US also needs to do it
We are not lacking generation capability - its scalable storage
France had exodus of 42000 millionaires between 2000 and 2012 - same will happen in CA - already happening without wealth tax
5-10 year look forward
PJ Rourke: x - y = big stink
- x = what people want govt to pay
- y = what people will pay to govt
SF $13B budget - $18K per citizen per year
- 35% goes to public health care
- This is more than every single state of the union except Oregon and South Dakota
- Spends more than 15 states put together
- Spends more than Federal govt ($15K)
Miami FL has no income tax - income tax and capital gains tax of 0 in florida and they make it work
If they don’t bring the budget in line then they can’t just tax people forever