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All In Podcast Episode 116 Notes February 17 2023

February 17 2023

  • Besties Charity Poker
    • Friedberg raised $80K for Humane Society of Animals
    • Chamath won $361K for ~Beast Philanthropy - one of the largest food philanthropies in the US
      • Lebron playing against 4 year olds 🙂
    • Poker game
      • Alan Keating, Phil Hellmuth, etc
    • Backlash against Mr Beast paying for cataract surgery - mainstream people are also calling it ableist - they are saying the people are being exploited
      • Crazy wokeism, virtue signalism
      • Ridiculous to call it ableism
      • People are doing for others - acknowledge it and congratulate them
      • This is equality taken to its extreme - “everyone is equal” and ignore differences
      • Publications are tickling people’s outrage to get clicks against rich people
        • We can hate this billionaire
        • We can hate society
        • We can sympathize for the victim
      • He even gave $10K to some of those people
  • Ohio train derailment
    • More outrage against Mr Beast donation vs no outrage against this train derailment
    • There was phosgene gas released due to potential controlled demolition
    • Train derailed (brakes went out apparently)
    • NYT and CNN didn’t cover this
    • Several of these cars contained vinyl chloride which is monomer upstream of PVC
    • Market size for PVC is $50B per year
    • Natural room temp state is a gas
    • So compressed and transported as a liquid
    • There was a similar train derailment with vinyl chloride in 2012
    • So they have practice with controlled burn
    • HCL released and some 10% or less is Phosgene
    • The solution is dilution
    • This is unfortunately more frequent occurrence than realized
    • Why would you keep your kids there
    • HCl in the river could kill animals
    • Want to get the tap water tested before moving back in
    • This represents distrust in media and government - emergence of citizen journalism
    • Default position of public is - I am being lied to, they are trying to cover it up, I will document it myself
    • Vinyl Chloride is a known carcinogen - metabolized in your body can cause issues
    • Like Atlas Shrugged, powerful bureaucracies in charge - there is no idea who is responsible for this
    • Media is also elite bureaucracies - so they don’t pay attention unless it suits their agenda
    • If Greta Thunberg was giving a speech she would get more coverage than this
    • Train derailment outside Detroit, Michican carrying chemicals
    • What a failure of media
    • Lack of coverage on Zantac’s issue with hiding cancer causing problems by Glaxo for 40 years
  • FTC commissioner resignation by Michelle Mantine and criticizing issues with Lina Khan
    • She doesn’t know how companies work because she hasn’t worked in companies
    • Clearly demonstrating because she is highly ineffective at it
    • Going after Amazon and Roomba and Facebook for VR exercise app
    • Scorched earth against Lina Khan
    • Misdiagnosed problem of Big Tech as bigness
    • She is hurting the industry
    • She has all the right credentials but also right ideology
    • Just taking meat cleaver to industry and not being surgical enough
    • They don’t know how business works
    • Gonzalez case is one of the first cases of Section 230
      • They are going after YouTube recommendations
    • Conservatives who support this Section 230 will cut their nose to spite their face - conservative content in the future will be taken down more in the future because their positions are perceived as harmful to communities
    • Section 230 protections - hard to say they apply to algorithms
  • AI ethics and bias
    • ChatGPT allowing poem about Biden but not Trump
    • Someone at OpenAI decided what topics are OK and what are not
    • Sometimes ChatGPT is providing boiler plate answer - am just an AI
    • ChatGPT has a chat layer with trust and safety - this intercepts questions provided by user
    • Humans are providing that trust and safety layer
    • ChatGPT/OpenAI was written by registered Democrat voters
    • Microsoft got in trouble in 2016 with Tay because it was hacked/compromised to give racist responses
    • Corporations are risk averse
    • On google search you can tell the results are not google, they are off party sites
    • The AI answer will make users think the AI/company is giving the answer
    • Neeva, ChatGPT, Bard, etc are not ready for primetime, just a parlor trick
    • They are not going to be unbiased, will not give users control over bias - they don’t see their bias - they are monocultures
    • We don’t know how to regulate AI just yet
    • AI companies haven’t been transparent yet
    • They changed the Biden vs Trump discrepancy
    • OpenAI are going against their original mission
    • They said AI would be too powerful to be in some private hands - now they decided its too powerful to not be in their hands
    • 5-10% of queries will be controversial - but they are giving themselves god like powers to decide the answers for these queries - they are changing history
    • Big Tech is infiltrated by government - govt influenced papers, radio, news also in the past


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