March 24 2023 Raw Notes Chamath and Friedberg both having sea salt and vinegar pistachios JCal getting paid for moderator gigs Fed hikes rates Raised by 25 bps Market went up Fed claimed 5.1% surprise print of May 2021 was transitory - started rate increase in March 2022 - so late to react by 9 months or so Now late to realize what stress the economy is under right now Tremendous stress on the banking system due to unrealized losses from hiked interest rates on long dated bonds and maybe soon to come unrealized losses on mortgage and housing issues Fed seems to have done the worst thing possible which is take the middle path Fed can raise and lower interest rates but they also have a balance sheet that can absorb assets Quantitative Easing Last June they started Quantitative tightening - restricting tools in the system Chamath thinks they should have raised interest rates 50bps and ended the problem We know from Volcker era that we need to raise interest rates high until...