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All In Podcast Episode 121 Recap and Notes March 24 2023

March 24 2023

Raw Notes

  • Chamath and Friedberg both having sea salt and vinegar pistachios
  • JCal getting paid for moderator gigs
  • Fed hikes rates
    • Raised by 25 bps
    • Market went up
    • Fed claimed 5.1% surprise print of May 2021 was transitory - started rate increase in March 2022 - so late to react by 9 months or so
    • Now late to realize what stress the economy is under right now
    • Tremendous stress on the banking system due to unrealized losses from hiked interest rates on long dated bonds and maybe soon to come unrealized losses on mortgage and housing issues
    • Fed seems to have done the worst thing possible which is take the middle path
    • Fed can raise and lower interest rates but they also have a balance sheet that can absorb assets
      • Quantitative Easing
    • Last June they started Quantitative tightening - restricting tools in the system
    • Chamath thinks they should have raised interest rates 50bps and ended the problem
    • We know from Volcker era that we need to raise interest rates high until inflation is killed - they are not doing a good job right now
    • Commercial property debt is a big problem right now
      • There is no credit available - banks don’t want the business
        • Themselves hunkered down in a defensive posture
    • Unrealized losses in commercial real estate loan portfolios is astronomical
    • Pinterest, Facebook, Amazon have written off some office rents/leases
    • The risk in the system is now getting priced in
    • The banks will just abandon all these assets
    • In general this is really bad for risk assets
    • 30-40% of the SF commercial real estate market is vacant
    • Real estate owner can’t make their debt service covenant ratio
    • When the loans were underwritten SF had 5% vacancy rate - now its much higher
    • Tax base collapses in the city because so much of the tax base depends on commercial real estate
    • Debt in general forces growth - without growth, debt fails
    • Most of the population in the US has most of their asset values in their homes
    • MMT in hindsight is clearly idiotic
    • If you print money then you can say no one is a loser - some people win more of course
  • Balaji bets on Bitcoin $1M - BTC will reach $1M in 90 days - he said this March 17 2023
    • Made best against a pseudonymous twitter user - James Medlock
    • Regional banks are insolvent
    • Will lead to hyperinflation
    • He was right about his last prediction - Covid
    • Predicted Jan 30 2020 - a whole bunch of consequences he laid out - they all came true mostly
    • He has a pedigree and a track record
    • Crypto is a hard place to be though right now
    • Wells Notice to Coinbase
    • Do Kwon was arrested in Montenegro
    • Kraken won’t let you get money in or out
    • Some asset manager Friedberg knows says - people are moving assets away from US dollar and to businesses that do business in non-dollar denominated industries
    • Debt ceiling vote coming up
    • Think of all the entities around the world holding USD - all of them need to agree to get out of the dollar for this bet to come to fruition
    • Nic Carter piece on Pirate Wires - explains how government is planning to ban crypto
    • Government under FDR already seized Gold a while back - so why not crypto?
    • So Gensler is making a hard pivot from FTX and relationships there to being anti-crypto - these are all conspiracy theories going around right now
    • Why hasn’t BTC absolutely ripped - its not broadly available, its not an off ramp
  • FDIC
    • Just insure a higher limit so people stop moving money around
    • Bank can’t put that money in a higher risk investment
    • The more you insure at this point - the cheaper the insurance will be - because it will reduce probability of money moving around
    • May - Fed will release their investigation into SVB and Signature
    • What consumers think they are getting and what the banks are doing - are not aligned
    • From the bankers’ standpoint - your deposits are their leverage
    • G-SIBs - Global - Systemically Important Banks - Bofa, Citi, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo
  • Tiktok hearings
    • Divestiture or shutdown - to an American company
    • How to divestiture with audit that can appease legislators - so might have to shut it down
    • Secondary app from Tiktok called Capcut is also popular in the US that legislators might want to shut down again
    • Ratchets up tension between US and China
  • Relativity Space shoutout
    • Successful launch - 85% 3D printed rocket
    • Proved structural integrity


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