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All In Podcast Episode 123 Recap and Notes April 7 2023

April 7 2023


  • Friedberg rocking Ohalo
    • JCal lamenting Mahalo
      • Tilted by Chamath
  • Trump indictment
    • He pleaded not guilty
    • Not exactly clear how strong the case is - even left folks are skeptical it will work
    • Campaign finance laws are federal laws, not state laws
    • Campaign donors don’t want their funds to be misappropriated by candidates
    • Hilary Clinton maybe used Campaign finance funds for the Steele dossier - she was fined for that
    • Maybe this is a distraction to have the Republicans unite around Trump and have his poll ratings go up, so that DeSantis’s ratings go down - this way Biden gets to fight Trump which is easier
    • Cyrus Vance decided not to move forward with the same case when statute of limitations had not expired - but Alvin Bragg apparently has
      • He claims he was told to stand down
    • By going first with this case - all future cases are going to be poisoned - even if they are more valid
    • If this was happening in another country then US would be criticizing it as a banana republic - presidential candidate is being prosecuted by local DA who is an ally of the opponent candidate
  • De-dollarization
    • Last week China and Brazil agreed to trade in their own currencies - not go through USD
    • The more US tries to de-globalize - the more other nations will try to build their own relationships
    • China has done this with Pakistan and Russia also
    • Yuan is pegged to the US dollar
    • Whether you trade in USD or Yuan you are pegged to the USD - you use dollar swap to get the currency you need
    • Risk grows as debt is $32T so US might print dollars again
    • US has weaponized dollars a lot recently
      • So countries view USD as unreliable store of value if their money can be taken away by the US or its State Department
      • US also seized yachts and foreign holdings of russian oligarchs - when they bought them we didn’t view them as ill gotten gains, now we decided due to vagaries of US foreign policy that its bad
    • China has built a competitor to SWIFT called CIPS
    • So banking and debt crisis is upcoming or under way
    • Chicago has a $48B debt hole in their pension
      • Another huge check that Federal government has to write
    • Social security will go bankrupt between 2030-2035 so we will have to write a check to cover the hole there
    • 80% of property taxes in Chicago are going for pensions - so going to former workers, not current workers - and its only 25% funded
      • So they elected a candidate who is even more soft on crime than the previous candidate
    • Government benefits are crazy - take your last year of salary including overtime - and you get 80-90% of that for the rest of your and your spouse’s life
    • Every blue city and state in the country is going to have this problem
    • Deficits and liabilities will stop
  • Debt ceiling vote predictions
    • No one’s going to want to default on the debt
    • Same thing happened in the 80s and 90s with Japan competition - they hit a demographic wall - similar to how China is hitting it right now
    • US transitioned their economy to service led economy faster and before all other economies did
    • Pension funds own a lot of office towers’ equity - they will crash
      • Either the building or the debt that was used to finance these systems
    • All these debts will not be allowed to not be paid - US will print money - see what’s happening in France/Paris with social unrest
    • How to fix
      • Austerity measures
        • Poor will make 2nd sacrifice - with lower spending
      • Productivity
      • Immigrations
      • Higher taxes
        • You can go after assets, you can go after wealth
        • We will see 70% taxes on the wealthiest people - won’t be unpopular
        • Rich will make 1st sacrifice - higher taxes
        • Reagan kicked off an economic boom by flattening the tax rates - 80s govt collected more revenue with lower tax rates because of higher economic activity
          • 70s Jimmy Carter time it was sad with high tax rates - people were disincentivized to increase productivity
        • The history of this going back 60 years is that you can only get so much from taxes
        • Reagan through Clinton was biggest 25 year economic boom period we ever had
        • Federal spending should be in the low 20s, taxes should be ~19%, some deficit
    • But relatively speaking US will still be exceptional
    • Saudis and Norway are also investing in the rest of the world - economies like the US
    • Need AI wave before other countries
  • Foreign investments
    • Saudi PIF released list of who they are backing
    • Sequoia and other US backed VCs are funding China’s answer to OpenAI
    • Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, UAE manage peace and prosperity regionally now - they manage a lot of assets
    • PIF is an established blue chip LP of blue chip organizations that people are familiar with
    • So its a smart marketing move on their part - so it makes even more sense right now
    • US LP market is basically closed for business - endowments, etc are down - so Saudi Arabia and UAE are putting their foot on the gas and saying they are ready for business
    • They are a valuable security partner of the US
    • CFIUS - Committee on Foreign Investments in the US
      • Ex: Rocketry, certain chip technologies
      • US has rules that limit ability of foreign actors to invest in these businesses
      • This is about money coming in
    • So reverse is also important
    • John Mearsheimer predicted in 2002 that constructive engagement people would be wrong - he’s right - they have egg on their faces now - geopolitical power is a zero sum game - enabling China was a mistake - now they can win a security competition with us maybe
    • economic terms are positive sum
    • VCs should take money from countries that are US allies - not from countries that are adversaries
    • WW1 - Britain and Germany were biggest trading partners of each other and still got in war - so economic relationships can’t necessarily prevent war
  • Bob Lee
    • 2:35AM stabbing - 300 block of Main st

    • First CTO of Square, founder of CashApp, worked at Google on Android, founder of MobileCoin, angel investor in SpaceX, ClubHouse, etc

    • Friedberg used to live 2 blocks from where the incident happened - SOMA Rincon Center - right where Salesforce tower used to be

      • Not in the heart of the camping district
      • Friedberg’s car was broken into some time ago
      • You park 8 mins too long at a parking meter, you get a $100+ parking ticket
    • SF is upside down town

      • Try taking away from everyone who had everything
      • Give everything to people who had nothing
      • Consequences of flipping power structure upside down is crazy
      • Flipping of power structures upside down doesn’t yield outcomes that we want
    • He is a father

    • Sacks reckons this might be similar to case in LA where the person was stabbed to death by drugged homeless person in the carousel

    • Newsom is fighting culture wars in a distant state (against DeSantis in Florida, a school that was targeted for DEI) instead of solving problems in his state

    • Just listen to Garry Tan

    • Contrast with Miami where Mayor Suarez

    • So in SF this will take regime change

      • NY had problems, now its better - following broken window theory of policing - take care of the little things so we can take care of the big things
    • People have decided that strong policing is part of social justice problems - they will never agree that things are bad

    • JCal won’t host a conference or event in SF until this is resolved - so does it in San Mateo, Napa, etc

    • People are making so much money off homeless industrial complex - they will never let it get fixed

    • Brooke Jenkins has the right attitude - but police oversight board makes problems

    • Police has been defunded - less than half the number needed

  • AIS 2023 in September!!!


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