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All In Podcast Episode 155 Recap and Notes December 1 2023

December 1 2023

  • Tucker joins the Pod!
  • Not sure why he was fired from Fox News
  • Doesn’t remember ever being told to not cover something against a particular company, etc
  • Acknowledges it was their company and they had the right to do that
  • Doesn’t really feel he has anything to complain about regarding his experience there - he felt like he had a lot of freedom
  • Views on state of American society
    • Doesn’t regard it as a real democracy
    • Feels a small class of people have disproportionate influence on society
    • conversations become more inane as the problems get bigger
    • From personal experience can see that society is focusing on small problems that it thinks it can control instead of the real issues
  • Priorities for America
    • National cohesion - can we all agree on what does it mean to be an American?
      • Thinks too much change too fast is not healthy for society
        • Some people can deal with it but most people can’t
        • Admires how China resists change due to this philosophy
      • That’s why society doesn’t like technology because tech makes inequalities and change fast
      • There is a lot of power dynamics where everyone wants what someone else has
      • Too much emphasis on our immutable differences
      • Deng Xiaoping did the opposite in China - did a hot swap of the backend to capitalism (it doesn’t matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice)
      • Now we are hot swapping the backend in America to communism
      • Feels there is something about affluence that makes people kill themselves, etc
        • Ex: GDP correlation with diabetes and heart disease
        • And how with affluence people stop having children
        • Try fasting for 3 days - why does every culture
  • Climate Change
    • Doubtful of the political narratives but agrees temperatures are going up
    • Not sure how much driving an F150 has to do with it
  • Feels rich people have a destructive streak
  • Immigration
    • Favors immigration that helps the country
    • Feels illegal immigration is out of control right now
  • Current political landscape
    • Thinks Biden won’t run - his only point was to ward off Bernie Sanders and has outlived his usefulness
    • Doesn’t think Nikki Haley is a viable candidate - disagrees with Jamie Dimon
      • In a functioning democracy a viable candidate would reflect the views of the people which doesn’t seem to be the case
      • She seems to be a Bush republican
    • Likes Vivek but not sure why he isn’t doing well - admits he might be out of touch himself
    • RFK Jr is good
    • Trump might be the nominee - Jonathan Swan from NYT himself says that Presidential front runner became nominee during August 2022 when FBI raided his personal records
    • Thinks Gavin Newsom will be nominee
      • Believes he has the ability to lie to your face convincingly
      • Doesn’t think CA is democratic
        • Thinks political machine is too strong for people’s opinions to matter
  • Media Control
    • Ukraine
      • David Arakhamia who was lead negotiator from Zelenskyy testified that there was a peace deal negotiated in ~March 2022 but Boris Johnson came and told them to keep fighting
    • Feels X needs to be preserved - its the 1 big free speech platform in the world
  • Fiscal condition is dire
  • Debrief
    • Good points about virtue signalling
    • Interesting that he wants to psychoanalyze American society
    • The more successful that people get, the more self-loathing there is
    • A lot of human happiness comes from progress
    • Buying second or third house - diminishing returns are a lot
    • Tucker is a very influential populist on the right
  • OpenAI story
    • Employees did what was in their best interest which makes sense - that without a good business leader their $86B valuation/secondary was in jeopardy
    • This story isn’t over
    • Apparently Sam went on a real estate shopping spree
    • Paul Graham is right about Sam’s ability to be a ruthless operator
    • Board is probably incompetent
    • Stories will come out
    • Velvet glove, iron first approach
    • The board’s structure didn’t work
    • This episode proves that solving the alignment problem by using this non-profit structure of the board doesn’t work
    • Investors who didn’t have board seats were angry seeing their investment going up in smoke


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