December 15 2023
- Bestie mullet
- Friedberg Holiday Party
- Epic Games vs Google
- Google App Store $50B/year revenue
- Apple App Store $85B/year revenue
- Google apparently did sweetheart deals with other developers
- Epic didn’t press for damages
- Google apparently deleted employee chat logs that were relevant
- Epic went after them direct because Google would win in anti-trust court
- OpenAI deal with Alex Springer
- AI models being sued for using copyright material
- Deal isn’t about fair use and training - its able to access data behind a paywall
- FCC vs Starlink
- Brendan Carr dissented
- Sitting member of the FCC is telling the public about this political harassment - unprecedented
- FCC is pre-emptively judging the service 3 years ahead
- Nixon was attacked for having an enemies list
- This country is engaging in political harassment
- Look at actions
- Biden says something like “we need to look into this guy”
- Elon wasn’t invited to the EV summit
- Biden is a union guy and won’t support a non-union guy
- Sued him for glass house
- Sued SpaceX, which is a defense contractor for not hiring enough refugees
- Its probably because Elon bought Twitter and exposed the Twitter Files
- NYTimes headline omits Hunter Biden quote when he’s talking about his father’s involvement
- They took out the key word: “financially”
- They bury their corrections - was posted at the bottom of the article
- When Biden was asked how, he said there’s a lot of ways
- IRS also is ending full tax credit for Tesla Dec 31
- Putting thumb on the scale against Elon for competitors making inferior products
- Subsidies are going to companies making inferior products
- Regulatory pressure against Tesla for recall about OTA for auto pilot
- Articles are mis-stating the OTA to say its a recall
- So its death by a thousand cuts
- Alex Jones reinstated on X
- Misinformation vs Religion
- Censorship is a very tempting power - like the one ring
- Taleb concedes Sacks was right on Ukraine vs Russia
- Amazing that people will admit they are wrong on Twitter - really strong intellectual honesty
- Don’t trust the media to tell you who are the experts - just look at the track record of the people who say something
- Bestie Q&A
- Harvard board decision to stay with President
- Bill Ackman is taking on DEI - this was not allowed previously
- Hiring kids out of school
- Encourage coop programs
- Smarts, horse power, skills, motivation
- Harvard board decision to stay with President