April 26 2024
- Flipping restaurant reservations
- People selling restaurant reservations
- Tips
- Jason tips the maitre’d $20-$50-$100
- Meta
- Llama3 is out
- Scorched earth strategy to make it more accessible - its not a core product for them but important
- Chamath called this in Jan 2023
- Zuck reinforced this recently
- Google did the same with Android and open sourcing
- You close source when you lead, you open source when you want to catch up
- Many companies could attack Google search now
- Stock down because of aggressive AI spending
- Could be because they are perceived as over spending on NVidia
- Inference vs Training
- Could be because they are perceived as over spending on NVidia
- Tesla
- Stock went up
- Layoffs
- Reincorporate in Texas and leave Delaware
- Some investors are perceiving a CEO executing according to his original master plan
- Could be some macro trends hitting them too
- Robo Taxis could be a big business for Tesla
- Robots could also be big in the long term
- Energy could also be a big business (there are 1700 utilities in the US)
- FSD could do well - Waymo is doing very well in SF - Cruise had some issues
- Waymo is leading, probably Cruise second - so remains to be seen if Tesla can catch up
- FTC votes to ban noncompetes
- Already there in CA
- Now east coast companies will also get it - especially finance companies
- Dubious what benefit it provides when environment is dynamic
- Steve Jobs
- Friedberg and others at Google pitched to Apple to cache the internet on the iPod - soon Apple released the iPhone
- Jason suggested to Jobs to do video on iPod, he said its a bad idea and soon they actually released it
- Chamath had an idea for WinAmp - but soon Apple released iTunes store with music
- Chamath also was interviewing for Head of iPhone
- Friedberg met him at a conference
- Tiktok ban bill passed
- Lots of national security state bills have passed along the same lines
- Warrantless spying bill also was passed recently
- Handle this in a trade bill instead if you want to ban Tiktok for reciprocity - now instead government can shutdown Apps they don’t like
- They will go after Telegram, then X then Rumble
- Tiktok had $14B revenue last year, 170M american users
- Some non-tech company might buy it when it gets divested - assuming that’s allowed to happen
- Another problem could be that Tiktok might be listening for audio even when not being used
- Jason did an experiment on Tiktok and experienced his video not being posted
- Lots of national security state bills have passed along the same lines
- Biden’s budget
- Capital gains tax increase (targeting people making > $1M/year)
- Would be highest in 100 years
- Tax on unrealized gains also
- Same thing was also in BBB budget - only failed because of Manchin and Sinema
- Balaji’s post on All it takes is all you got - completely on point
- Capital gains tax increase (targeting people making > $1M/year)