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All In Podcast Episode 94 Notes September 1 2022

September 1 2022

  • Early pod so JCal can go to Burning Man
    • Sacks has gone previously
    • Chamath and Friedberg haven’t gone
    • What is Burning Man really about
    • Sacks has gone with people who go glamping
      • NY Times article about people ruining BM was due to parties like Sacks’
  • NFT market crash
    • OpenSea volume has dropped 99% since peaks
    • Bored Ape has dropped 53%
    • OpenSea raised $300M at $13.3B valuation in Dec 2021 by Coatue and Paradigm 9 months ago now
    • What a boondoggle
    • Is this a category ending crash (and therefore different from stocks, real estate crash)?
    • This is about narratives and collective belief and that drives change - money, government, art all is from narrative and collective belief
    • A lot of these things are the same and when a few people approach it early (Burning Man, Coachella etc) - they are too insecure admit its the same
    • We keep repeating things over and over - we have certain choices and other people repeat to you that your choices are good and you’re convinced this is all worthwhile
  • California fast food wages bill
    • 3 things CA did in the last week
      • Will ban internal combustion engines sales by 2035
        • Largest auto market in US
        • Trump and CA fought because CA had better emission standards
      • Create state sponsored org to set minimum wage rate for fast food workers
      • Assembly woman Buffy Wix passed a law through state that social media companies are liable for mental health state of kids
    • So CA has become extremely legislatively active recently
    • So CA is disintermediating the unions? And wants to set the wages?
    • Lorena Gonzalez introduced the bill when they were in the assembly
    • Lorena Gonzales-Fletcher now
    • She asked Elon to leave - and he left - 🙃
    • So this closer to Europe model - negotiations by unions are happening - but now its a whole sector, not company by company negotiation
    • 10 person panel
      • They will not stop at minimum wage, and also working conditions
    • You will be hit if you’re part of a chain that has 100+ restaurants around the country
    • So if you own 2 McDs you will be hit but if you own 20 restaurants of your own chain you won’t be
    • So this is now employees of McDonalds starting their own startup - offering services to McDonalds
      • They think they are 90% of the value of the business
    • So businesses that rely on commodity workers will not be so valuable
    • And the other thing is such businesses will automate
    • Customers will suffer because of higher costs
    • This is just like access to docks in shipping is controlled by government - and so unions can do regulatory capture through government
    • So now its hard to use free market to grow
    • Some besties started CafeX - 2 units at SFO making $73000 last month
    • These laws cap profitability of certain companies
    • EBITDA margins of Big Tech have eroded over time because employees have demanded more and more of those gains
    • So the unfortunate thing is that you will rebuild the business without people
    • Immigrants and students will get hurt by not having entry level jobs
    • CA needs to understand this - these things aren’t free - there are unintended consequences here
    • Elected people are not elected for long term plan of the state - they are elected to represent the people
    • If you’re struggling as a person you will vote for someone who will give you what you want now vs someone who will prioritize the long term
    • So this is natural in democracy where people are struggling
    • Natural Restaurants Association and other orgs are flooding the state with money to lobby - so its a racket, politicians make money
    • If you raise the minimum wage too much then employers will replace minimum wage workers with automation
    • This is not for the benefit of the workers - its for the benefit of the politicians
    • Gavin Newsom is the protection end of this extortion racket
    • Lorena Gonzalez passes this bill on the start and businesses go running to Newsom to help them out
    • The typical govt worker in CA makes 53% more than private equivalent and 100% if you count pensions, benefits, etc
    • Legislature and party are transferring wealth from private to public entities
    • CA is a 1 party state - party machine goes door to door and know everyone
    • LA has a mayoral race - Rick Caruso vs Karen Bass - latter has worked in Dem party forever and puppet of the machine - former has built amazing real estate things in LA like Grove, etc, also has been on a bunch of committees - people love him, he’s the best possible candidate - he understands homelessness, etc
      • On election night he has the most votes, but after ballot harvesting Karen Bass was up 5 points - the party machine is very powerful
    • The party is the platform and the candidate is the app - so a new candidate has to build his own platform
    • Rick Caruso had to spend $100M of his own money - if he loses, his infrastructure just goes away
    • There’s a 2-1 party affiliation in CA towards Democrats
    • Republican party in CA has to move to the center - they are a mess, they are down 30 points
    • There are pro choice republicans in CA but Newsom just has to point to Texas
    • Average person in CA knows someone working in McDs more probably than someone who owns shares in McDs
    • McDs workers will drop - they already got rid of their cashiers
    • Lower end of the market is most sophisticated about margins and supply/demand
    • Number of people employed will drop because legislators don’t understand how well economy works
    • Technology is introduced and technology crater captures 1/3 to 1/2 of that productivity improvement
    • What is CA trying to do here?
      • Net migration out of state last year first time anywhere

      • People here are very rich or very poor and middle class is govt workers

      • Tech and hollywood have benefited from Globalization - massive global exports - market is whole world - super rich have done very well - they have funded the state

      • This is not an economic model for the entire nation - Gavin Newsom wants to take this to the nation - this is not how you get a thriving middle class to America

        • These robots will do a better job than manual labor
      • Chamath invested in Relativity Space - 3d printed rockets and engines - in 2014

      • Adam D’Angelo: Moore’s law never ended - it just shifted to GPUs

      • Surface area of compute and innovation has shifted

      • We are at a point now where expert systems are going to be completely next level

      • Governments dont understand how fast they are pulling the future forward that they are trying to prevent

      • Who owns images produced by AI trained on images by Disney?

      • CMA and Medicare will cap big pharma price to $2000 instead of $2.8M for certain drugs - if that happens, geneticists will lose job coz these companies will go to AlphaFold

  • Zuckerberg on Rogan, FBI interference with Hunter Biden laptop story
    • Zuck told Rogan they treated Hunter Biden story as misinformation because of tip from FBI, they muted the story - fewer people saw it than otherwise
      • The decreased distribution was meaningful
    • Republicans are attacking Zuck, but most people in his position would believe the FBI
    • The issue is the politicization of the FBI
    • NYPost gets the information about Hunter Biden
    • In response 50 former intelligence agents said “this has hallmarks of misinformation” without seeing the stuff (Clapper, Brennan, etc - former agents)
    • FBI had hard drive for a year - sat on it, knew it was authentic - someone leaked it to Giuliani and NYPost
    • They knew it was authentic and played into the narrative of misinformation
    • So people privacy shouldn’t be violated (pictures, etc) but there was Ukraine information there
    • Point: FBI went to FB to censor a story they knew was true - that’s the bombshell
    • Obama also took 30000 documents - he might also have had sensitive information?
    • So Trump did this because he wanted memorabilia - so national archivist just wants them back
    • They have backed off completely from nuclear - its not in the affidavit - they just leaked that to get through a tough news cycle
    • Law enforcement agencies should not be politicized
    • When govt and FBI does censorship - its a violation of First Amendment
    • Social media companies should ask for a court order if they are leaned on
    • Apple did this well - they held the line during San Bernardino situation
  • Climate Change
    • We can’t save the planet by destroying the economy

    • Elon just gave a talk saying we still need oil and gas - he’s the leading innovator for renewables - but still saying we need oil and gas for civilization right now

    • Its not just global warming - more severe events that are hurting bottom of Maslow’s hierarchy - food security, safety, etc

    • Because of gas prices going up in Europe, fertilizer prices are going up, because of Ukraine war, so no CO2 from by products of fertilizer production - so can’t use that for Beer - Germans will be sad about not being able to heat their homes and no beer for Octoberfest

    • Scientists in 1988 said ice caps will melt by 2000

    • Political leaders who are trying to create an imminent crisis own beachfront property and fly in private jets

    • There will be a severe impact to food and manufacturing supply chain because of climate change

    • Streams and water flow has slowed in Sichuan so hydroelectric power gone, so factories stopped - so electronics hit - so rippling effect through supply chain

    • China had 70 days in a row of record setting temperatures - assessing crop damage

    • 1/3rd of ammonia supplies have been hit

    • CA grid cannot support electricity consumption - CA Governor Newsom asked people to stop charging electric cars

    • Private market will resolve this problem - people need electricity and food

    • Producers and technologist will see the problem and solve it

      Screen Shot 2022-09-02 at 10.50.41 PM.png

    • This tongue-in-cheek meme illustrates what is happening

    • Cost of electricity has gone up 46% in the last decade and will go up another 40% in the next decade

    • So 2010-2030 cost will double

    • Even though cost has dropped 90% in renewables

    • We have to spend $2T in the next decade for power lines

    • Hydrocarbons are the only credible bridge fuel we have else we will economically erase parts of the world

    • Net Zero by 2050-2060 is not possible - have to take small incremental steps and many of them

    • Cannot let people guilt trip you - entire continent of Europe made this mistake of listening to stupid people

    • CA has decided to keep Diablo canyon reactor going

    • Green Nuclear Power succeeded in keeping nuclear reactor going

    • Japan will build more nuclear power plants - they had Fukushima (Germans stopped their reactors because of Fukushima, Japanese are creating new ones)

    • Fukushima happened because of insane tsunami that triggered an earthquake

    • Organizations were shamed into turning these things off - that is not the way to make decisions

  • Gorbachev death 😟
    • Political Reform - Glasnost, Economic Reform - Perestroika
    • Margaret Thatcher told Reagan to reach out to Gorbachev and so they wrote a bunch of treaties
    • Watch “The Day After”
    • Reykjavik Summit
    • 1989 the Berlin Wall came down, Warsaw Pact, then Soviet Union collapsed
    • Gorbachev got a lot of credit for helping end the Cold War
    • And now 30 years later we are back in a Cold War
    • Have the successors of Reagan and GHW Bush done a good job - Reagan ended the Cold War and we are back in the Cold War
    • Gorbachev won Nobel Prize
    • Precursor to Perestroika and why he did it
    • He ran an open politburo with debate and promoted a lot young people
    • USSR at the time had poor work ethic, terrible productivity and horrible goods
    • At the end of USSR people thought they had no agency in the outcome
    • If governments get too actively involved people get dissatisfied
    • Nanny states do not work
    • Soviets used to use 5 year plans run by the government - this did not work
    • Free economy won the battle 30 years ago
    • And now 30 years later politicians want to do socialism again inspite of example after example of how it doesn’t work
    • People here don’t get it - Russia had food lines and rations with long lines in the 1980s
    • Gorbachev knew the system was collapsing
    • He wasn’t a democratic freedom fighter necessarily and he capitulated before he lost
    • He acted decisively - didn’t use violence and repression to keep things going
    • But if he wanted to keep communism going he would have
    • Reagan deserves credit for arms build up - he was on top of a productive capitalist system that helped him - he took the chance at a deal when Gorbachev gave him
    • Biden cancelled American energy independence when Natural Gas and fracking were banned
    • Let capitalists and free market economy go, it will solve your problems for you
    • Politicians in CA think they can run fast food businesses better than the people running them
    • We will know in 3-5 years that these policies won’t work and will accelerate hell scape these people are trying to avoid
    • Free market system leads to more wealth and national prosperity - we are forgetting this - we are now abrogating every treaty that Reagan and Gorbachev signed - now our nukes are pointed at each other - why get rid of the arms control treaties
    • We are 15 times richer than them - but they have 6000 nukes
    • Gorbachev was a communist and an heir to Stalin and yet Reagan was able to sign a deal with him - we don’t have to believe that Putin is a madman and uncontrollable
    • Gorbachev was asked about NATO expansion - “you cannot humiliate a country this way and not expect no retaliation”
    • Baker made the promise to Gorbachev - not 1 inch eastward
    • Ronald Reagan won the Cold War without firing a shot, gave US biggest economy it ever had, ended inflation/stagflation of 1970s
    • Reagan and Clinton since 1950 - easily top 2
    • Happy Birthday Chamath!


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