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All In Podcast Episode 97 Notes September 22 2022


September 22 2022

  • Friedberg likes Daniel Plainview
  • SPAC updates
    • Chamath is winding down SPACs
    • 10 SPACs from Chamath
      • 6 in tech - 4 in tech, 2 in biotech
    • Getting harder to find good deals
    • Chamath thinks its better to give people their money back instead of letting it sink in the market
    • Chamath clip from E55 in November 2021 that you should sell was prescient
    • Going public seems like a fantasy right now - IPO is frozen for 2 years at least - that’s what people are thinking right now
    • Smart strategy is to use war chest to grow into your valuation and cut burn
    • Fed raised interest rate another 75 bps - expect to raise another 1.5% - they said earlier it would be 75 + 50, now they are saying 75 + 150
      • Fed is revising their trajectory - they are throwing in the towel, not saying there will be a soft landing - will be hard landing
    • This week was hard for stock market
    • Byju’s is losing crazy money - lost $600M this year from $33M last year
      • Sequoia, Tiger, UBS, Blackrock, Chan-Zuckerberg - all kinds of investors
    • There is a sliver of retail investors and private investors who don’t want to do the work - they will just follow the crowd
  • US VCs have $290B of dry powder
    • They raised $121B in first half of this year
    • Fed said it will be a double dip recession - Sacks called it
    • Chamath also called the rates will go super high to 4.5-5%
    • Bad news is that next 18+ months will be hard for US consumer
      • Unemployment will go up
      • Inflation will be sticky
      • Consumption will ebb
      • Earnings will shrink
    • Silver lining is that we are starting a bottoming process for the equity markets - by end of this year or early next year - most of that will be done
      • Reason = Equity markets do a reasonable job of looking at bond markets and looking at 6-9 months into the future and pricing that into current price
    • Stock drops 50%, then it goes up 50%, its still 25% down from original price
    • To solve inflation, you need to see change in unemployment
  • Russia and Putin
    • Apparently nukes might be on the table - like tactical nukes
    • Alex Karp said in the West when leaders fail, they get voted out, this is not what happens in Russia with Putin - its zero sum, he has never acquiesced in the past
    • India and China are the 2 biggest purchasers of Russian oil but both won’t be on Russia’s side if they go nuclear
    • Russian moms are getting activated again
    • West has stated the policy of regime change - backing Putin into a corner
    • It doesn’t seem like there is going to be a golden bridge to Putin
    • Putin has taken out all the liberals, he will be replaced by a hard liner
    • Putin is under pressure from peaceniks protesting in the streets but also from the hardliners who think he is being soft
    • If people think nukes won’t be used:
      • US used nukes against Japan
      • US was going to use nukes in Korean War - Macarthur was going to - he was fired by Truman who didnt get re-elected because MacArthur was most respected American in 1950
      • Cuban missile crisis - Kennedy sent Bobby to cut secret deal with Russians that US will pull missiles out of Turkey if Russia pulls it out of Cuba - and lied to American public about it so he isn’t perceived as soft
    • So if US can use nukes, why won’t Russia
    • Economy is bad so US thinks fighting a war will help
      • If the foundation of the house isn’t strong - you will look at neighbor’s house
    • Coming out of 2008 GFC Obama re-committed to Afghanistan
    • Coming out of 2000-2001 did Iraq war
    • The safer America has become, we have become more involved militarily internationally
    • Multi polar world coming - China, India
    • War on terror - 1M lives lost, $8T dollars spent
    • Killed Bin Laden in Pakistan without occupying the country - Killed another radical in Afghanistan with a drone after having left the country - so why do we have to occupy the country for 20 years
    • US has used military too much and not used diplomacy enough
    • Trump was right
      • No wars
      • Dictator whisperer - North Korea, China, Russia
  • Government heavy climate policies
    • CA electricity rates are double other states, $5.8 per gallon gas vs $3.68 rest of country
    • Rashida Tlaib is so clueless about her own district’s requirements - her constituents are ~40yr old people with $37K income - her district needs cheap LNG and don’t have money for solar projects - she is either power hungry or scientifically/numerically illiterate
      • Awesome retort by Jamie Dimon when he refused to not lend to O&NG companies
      • CAGRing utility rates in CA by 7-11% every year
    • Last week there was a large fire in CA battery installation - scaling renewable utilities is much harder - every homeowner in US should use IRA backed govt incentives to have their own solar panels
    • Dilbert got cancelled by going after ESG in his cartoons
      • ESG makes sense but v1.0 implementation has become financialized by consultants
      • ESG today is broken and largely meaningless
  • Poker
    • Game theory optimal (GTO) - live playing vs people who play with computers
    • Games might be useless if AI goes ahead of human potential
    • Chamath met Demis at start of DeepMind
    • Sacks is a big chess player
    • Chess cheating scandal
      • Carlsen is accusing Niemann of cheating implicitly
      • Niemann has had highest rise in chess world in last few years
  • Iran protests


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