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All In Podcast Episode 185 Recap and Notes June 28 2024

June 28 2024

  • Presidential Debate
    • Disaster for Biden
    • CNN and MSNBC acknowledged he did bad
    • Jason called it 4 episodes ago
    • Chamath was rebuffed by Dems - no response
    • Would have been exposed if he had debated RFK
    • Clearly there is an unelected elite trying to control democracy
    • You need honesty
    • Recently Joe Scarborough and Reid Hoffman claimed that Biden is amazing in private
    • They boxed out Dean Phillips and RFK Jr - you made your bed, so now sleep in it - have some loyalty and don’t stab your candidate in the back like this
    • Big loser was American people
    • Big winners were Russia, China, Iran, etc
    • Debate format was good and unique
    • Friedberg was approached in October by senior democratic leadership to donate - he didn’t and said Biden wasn’t going to work out
    • Clearly small elite is controlling everything - media and Democratic leadership lied to the american people
    • Subversion of democracy is the real threat to democracy
    • No one signed up to elect a shadow set of handlers
    • There is a clear coordinated effort to obfuscate his decline
    • Biden isn’t fit to finish his term - this is elder abuse
    • Not a single staff member has resigned
    • Great point by Trump - “Joe you never fired anyone” - they are not fired because they are in charge - they will not fire themselves
    • How did Klain who helped Biden prepare not realise he wasn’t up to it - and raise the issue
    • Media was exposed - not just Biden - their North Korea level propaganda didn’t work
    • Clearly they are ALL IN on this giant con
    • The democratic party is a collection of interests that want to stay in power
      • A bunch of interests who want to loot the public
      • They invent hoaxes and lies to maintain power
    • They should have let RFK Jr and Dean Phillips run
      • Phillips was ostracized for telling the truth
    • There is no mechanism to force a candidate who won all the primary votes who doesn’t want to sit it out to step aside
    • Leverage to be used is donors won’t give money
    • Problem is Harris has even worse poll numbers than Biden
    • Federal programs are not held to account and defunded ever
  • Tech job postings down a lot since Covid
    • Down 80% - below pre covid numbers
    • Post ZIRP fundamentals are different
    • AI is helping a little
    • Great to be a startup now - can hire better
  • OpenAI considering for-profit conversion
    • This is the early innings
    • Important for people who are in the lead today to monetize their success as much as possible before it goes away - secure the bag
    • Was never a good idea for startup to innovate on structure - just focus on innovation
      • Should have fixed it years ago
    • They should fix the structure - regular C corp - make it right with Elon for his contribution and Sam for his CEO package - and help public participate
    • ~70% of Nvidia employees are millionaires now!!!
  • Ilya Sutskever starts Safe Superintelligence Inc
    • Seems like Sam kicked these guys out because they wanted to move slow
    • Not clear how they win - they need a LOT of cost and compute - how will $100B+ outlay be available to these startups?
      • Biggest players will win
    • China building autonomous robots (look like Boston Dynamics machines) - that can fire weapons, etc
  • EU charges MSFT with anti-trust for Teams and bundling and Office, etc
    • EU sided with Salesforce
    • Microsoft has been doing this forever
    • Didn’t do it only during later part of Ballmer’s tenure when there was a consent decree
    • Instead of stopping bundling which is anti-competitive, they are stopping M&A - makes no sense
    • Bundling itself might not be as bad - its probably bad if they raise prices


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