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All In Podcast Episode 187 Recap and Notes July 11 2024

July 11 2024

  • Sacks modeling Hawk Tuah
  • Jason is now appearing on Fox
  • Sacks appearing at RNC - was leaked to NYT
  • Economy
    • Inflation ~3%

    • Chances of rate cut might be higher

    • Big stocks in market going up

    • SP500 PE ratio has gone up a lot

    • Fed is changing the goal posts to normalize 3% inflation

    • So we will see permanently high interest rates

    • Partisan gap on perception

      See the times both sides agree things are going down - during recession or election?

    • Spread between SP500 equal weight vs regular version is highest since March 2000 right before the dotcom crash

  • AI build out might be over done?
    • Chamath called this out in May
    • So did Friedberg
    • Lots of reports coming out that benefits are not being seen from AI investments yet
    • However models are getting better and better
    • Lots of hardware spending and investment (big tech and startups) because folks want to diversify from NVidia - so payoff will take time
    • We probably just need to be patient
  • A16Z building 20K GPU cluster!!!
    • They want to help win deals with AI startups
    • Nat Friedman and Daniel Gross did this last year
  • French elections and commentary
    • France
      • Adding taxes
      • Reducing retirement age
      • Price caps on commodities
    • India elections also BJP didn’t win as big mandate as they expected
    • Mexico election winner with leftist government - thinks institutions should manage progress, not individuals in free markets
    • There is an emerging tactical alliance between left and center on the global stage - against right
    • There is a big battle between socialism and free market economy
    • Globalism is making this happen
    • The world is reacting against income inequality and so wants socialism
    • Argentina is on the other side of this problem
    • Sacks commentary
      • First round of voting: Marine Le Pen - nationalist party - they won every district in the country except Paris

        • Their biggest issue is unlimited immigration

          • Not good for economy, crime, social cohesiveness, national identity
        • Second round

        • How did this happen - Macron conspired with Far left to block Marine Le Pen from winning - by having 200 French election candidates withdraw - to have a bunch of voters move far left

        • So they threw the election through legal manipulation to reject the rights of the French people

        • The people voted for national sovereignty - but instead got communism

          • Increase tax rate to 90% over $400K income, etc - craziness
        • And now the Far left are saying they will not work with Macron

        • Similar situation in the US - if Biden had shut down the border he would have been in a different situation

        • Center left should not cater to far left and radicals - just stay centrist

    • Biden hot swap?
      • George Clooney writes NYT op-ed asking Biden to step down
        • He just held a fund raiser a few weeks ago
      • Anonymous sources are saying Biden fund raising is down now
      • Adam Schiff is also asking Biden to slow down
      • Pelosi gave a non answer
      • Something suspicious going on at White House with Biden’s condition
      • Media is lying now - they have all known all this time - it was a dereliction of duty
      • Turning point was debate where the whole country could see it
      • Dean Phillips told the truth when he came on the pod - he didn’t have special access to the President - but it was obvious - he would try to talk to the party elite and be shut off
      • Jason’s idea from a week ago for speed run primary is being floated by others also - there’s a Sema4 article
      • How many hoaxes have been perpetrated by the Democrat party now?


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