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All In Podcast Episode 188 Recap and Notes July 18 2024

July 19 2024

  • Sacks is Emperor Palpatine
  • Trump assassination attempt
    • 8 rounds fired at Trump - Thomas Matthew Crooks apparently
    • Corey Comperatore in the audience was killed
    • Shooter shot dead by Secret Service
    • Shooter posted some messages on social media beforehand about July 13 being eventful
    • How is it even possible?
    • Not clear where incompetence ends and negligence begins
    • Trump should have a lot of momentum now
    • Crowd was shocked he was shot
    • Kids in Africa are also re-enacting the iconic moment
    • MSM has gone out of their way to associate violent rhetoric as an appropriate reaction to Trump
    • Left wingers are sad Trump didn’t get killed - these people are deranged
      • Reid Hoffman wished he had made Trump an actual martyr
      • Jack Black band member was disappointed Trump wasn’t shot
      • Joe Biden said its time to put Trump in the bullseye
      • They say over and over that Trump is hitler, a threat to democracy, he will be the end of democracy
      • If he is Hitler - then why would you offer thoughts and prayers if he’s shot
      • New Republic had cover page of him as Hitler
    • Secret Service needs to be investigated
      • How did they fail to cover that roof? It was the most obvious shooting spot in that area
        • Then they release statement that they didn’t cover it because it was more sloped - when they had shooters on other roof that was more sloped - so this clearly seems like a lie
          • They are also on White House roof which is very sloped - so they are talking nonsense
      • This shooter was person of interest an hour before the shooting - they find him with a range finder - and then they let Trump go out there - huge failure of communication - how can no agent stationed be at the fence - so they rammed the fence with an SUV
      • Why haven’t they released audio recording of chatter about chain of command - why wasn’t everything stopped until they investigate the PoI
      • Why did it take so long to take Trump out of the whole area - the whole thing reeks of incompetence
        • They deleted all their texts from Jan 6 also - no accountability
      • There were apparently 2 sets of snipers
      • When Sacks helped fund raiser for Trump Secret Service did a thorough job - so how is this possible?
      • Institutions are incompetent - no one is fired - no one resigns
      • Senators confronted Cheatle and were blocked
  • Sacks at the RNC
    • He got 6 minutes so ~600 words
    • Was trained to use teleprompter
      • Someone in a room is working the prompter
    • Tricky finding balance between speaking to the audience in the room and audience on TV
    • His message had mixed reception - people didn’t like Sacks position on Ukraine
  • JD Vance VP pick
    • 2 benefits
      • From heartland - so MAGA likes him
      • Worked in tech - so tech likes him
    • Was in high school when twin towers came down - so he enlisted in the marine corp - and served in the Iraq war - realized everyone had been lied to
    • Worked with Thiel and Steve Case in the past - so a republican and a democrat
    • Usha introduced him well
    • Amber Rose also spoke well at RNC
    • Vivek did really well with his speech
    • Trump’s cabinet seems to be trending younger
    • Large parts of JD’s speech could have been given by Bernie Sanders
    • The teamsters were also at the RNC - unions are being included in the party too
    • This is Donald Trump’s republican party
    • This is a legacy pick - so that the MAGA message can continue into the future
    • Past republican party would cut social programs but fund forever wars
    • This is why the neocons lobbied so hard against JD Vance
    • Other options included Doug Burgum
    • Isolationism will have an inflationary effect - so should be careful
  • Summit scholarship applications opening up
  • Startup ecosystem
    • Sequoia Stripe secondary sale
    • Google trying to acquire Wiz
      • Cloud Security is huge
  • President Biden will step aside soon from the race


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