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All In Podcast Episode 186 Recap and Notes July 4 2024

July 4 2024

  • Besties chilling
  • All In Summit
    • Will discuss politics, media, AI meets enterprise software, robotics, etc
    • 400 tickets will be released on scholarships
    • Birds of a feather dinner first night
    • Next 2 nights parties
  • Presidential race
    • Kamala Harris chances of becoming nominee have sky-rocketed
    • Polymarket shows chances of Biden dropping out are at 77%
    • Biden seems to have 1 more chance now - the ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos
    • Jason thinks Dems will do a speed run primary
    • Harris is best positioned because all contributions have been made to Biden-Harris campaign (to tune of ~ billion dollars?)
    • Democrat party won’t hand over the reins to billionaires - Mike Bloomberg already lost because of this
    • Trump shattered the structure of the Republican party - took over the party through democracy and voting (attacking forever wars, being hard on China, etc)
    • Democratic party is ultimate insiders party - insiders picking insiders
      • Its Kamala or bust for them
    • There might be a rift now between donor class and democratic party leadership
    • If Biden isn’t fit to run, how is he fit to serve?
    • If Kamala steps in she can get a huge jump in credibility
    • Risk is that she does something risky to prove herself vs Biden being a steady hand
      • Example: A week or 2 ago American cluster bombs were used on the beach in Crimea to kill Russians sunbathing
        • Russians said they are no longer in a state of peace with America
        • How will Kamala handle this situation?
    • They are showing their hand that Biden won’t run - if he was going to then he would be on all media - he isn’t
    • Starting to see leaks and fissures - Axios article out about President being roped off has some random names - are they targets or whats the purpose?
    • Media also participated in lie that Biden is fine
      • Stephanopoulos didn’t let Haley get away with questioning his mental fitness
      • Scarborough claimed this is the best Biden
      • Cheap fakes claim
    • Instead should have had a robust Dem primary a year ago and honest reporting by the media - then feeding frenzy would have had a year ago
    • This is why people have a point of view on Trump because everything is out - whereas with Biden everything has been constrained and controlled
  • SCOTUS rules on social media moderation
    • Originates in Florida and Texas laws from 2021
    • Court gave unanimous decision - so they’re signaling it should never have been brought
    • Florida and Texas are also being protectionist with a bunch of these kinds of laws protecting special interests instead of looking out for their citizens and innovations
    • The court’s record is not that partisan if you look at their track record
  • SCOTUS overturns Chevron, limiting the power of federal agencies
    • Building companies that deal with Federal agencies is painful - under Chevron doctrine, the agencies are basically vested with unlimited authority - can create all kinds of new rules and regulations - they have an incentive to do so - so they can ask Congress to ask for more budget and hire more people - this natural organic growth happens automatically
    • Has allowed agencies to operate independent and outside the lines of what they were supposed to work on
    • The negative consequence is that some important agencies’ work should have become laws/bills and now that will get messy
    • Came about in 1984 during Reagan because folks - especially conservatives - thought courts were activist
    • Main problem being solved is reining in the administrative state
    • Warren and other elected leaders are reacting badly asking to expand the court
  • SCOTUS to hear case on Texas porn law
    • Rick’s Cabaret stock crashed again - which kinda predicted last 2 recessions
      • Might actually be more down due to OnlyFans
  • SCOTUS rules in favor of Trump in immunity law
    • Sotomayor dissented
    • Roberts response to dissent was quite reasonable
    • Extremist position is that President could use this to assassinate their rival
    • More realistic is that this prevents next President from targeting their predecessor
  • Biden still says he’s running - super explicitly


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