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All In Podcast Episode 87 Notes July 14 2022

 July 14 2022

  • JCal and Friedberg also in on the sweater game 🙂
  • Emerging Markets
    • Developed Markets - US, Japan, Europe
      • Slower growth
    • Developing Markets - BRICS
      • Faster growth
    • Frontier Markets - small, unstable, liquid - Kenya, Vietnam
    • Frontier and Emerging markets are feeling a lot of pressure
    • Sri Lanka in trouble
      • $300T of global debt
        • $100T of this debt is in emerging markets - they have variable GDP growth and challenges with their currency - recently their debt has been issued in local currency - which has been devalued compared to US dollar so investor is not making as much money anymore
      • 3% US treasury yields, so emerging markets debt has declined 20% recently - so they will start defaulting on their debt - so people keep selling emerging markets debt - can lead to food crisis, financial crisis
      • Sri Lanka has short term and long term issues - compare to Jamaica and Singapore
      • 1960 - Jamaica was 1.4M, Singapore 1.6M, Sri Lanka 9.4M
        • Jamaica GDP is now 14B, Sri Lanka is 80B, Singapore 345B
        • Singapore was multi cultural yet English as lingua franca
        • Lee Kuan Yew - because of him low levels of corruption - so investments helped country become amazing
        • Sri Lanka had civil wars, and corruption
      • Sri Lankan govt went woke, and returned fertilizers from China, offended China, Japan, Middle Easterners - and so went broke
      • This is de-industrialization - going woke is going broke, not adopting modern methods of production and industrialization
      • Both Holland and Sri Lanka uprisings are the same
      • SL banned fertilizers - so food prices went up massively - so society has collapsed - they are adopting these policies because they are getting loans from World Bank and IMF - listening to global elite recommendations and getting high ESG rating and losing their society
      • So its not true that there are no tradeoffs between growing economy and woke policies
      • SL had strictest Covid-19 policies like China even though they had low infection rates
      • But they alienated Muslim people and countries because they banned burying dead - and so didn’t get any subsidy help from the Gulf nations in their time of need
      • Central Govt had a bill for disciplined money printing - highest inflation in post-independence history - 60%
      • Same issues in Ghana, Pakistan - food riots, food insecurity, rampant inflation, chronic defaults
      • In this situation they gave all power to President, who in a parliamentary system normally has no power, so now they got in trouble
      • Chamath tried to introduce Google Loon and SL rejected it because of weird spectrum politics and corruption claims, a level of infighting that is very high
        • Need to get rid of gerontocracy
      • SL is the most literate country in the world - 92%
      • SL politicians implemented western ideas - invent stupid rules and make SL pay for it
      • US has rating of 51 and SL has 98 and that isn’t helping - they just didn’t have money - so had to do what their creditors want
      • Singapore did well to have English, Lee Kuan Yew leadership, importance of government jobs - emphasizing multi-culturalism (you learn tamil, malay, chinese but work in English)
      • China is building incredible presidential palaces through African countries - so they have great influence and power
      • 19 developing countries (record) have too high debt - and 2 defaulted
        • Pakistan has nukes
      • Next 3 to default are Pakistan, Ghana and 1 more
      • Argentina is in trouble too
  • CPI 9.1%
    • Inflation is going to be worse
    • Not sure when it will peak and go down
    • How severe of a recession will we have to have for Fed to solve this problem
    • Real Estate is going to be hit
    • Fed focuses on PCE and not CPI - its the broadest index of prices - including food and energy
    • People are not stopping their consumption
    • Founders are also not cutting back
    • Fed can stop inflation, not sure how much pain they will have to inflict and for how long - Paul Volcker hit 20% in early 1980s to beat 1970s inflation
  • Current market sentiments
    • US companies are firing white collar labor but hiring blue collar workers faster - so productivity is going down
    • PE ratio over time - currently hit 20
    • Retail and Hedge funds are main sources of flows into stock market
    • So if you study them you will see what is happening in the market
    • Right now hedge funds are staying on the sidelines
    • Capital activity is going to be back this quarter because people have accepted the environment right now - high inflation, high volatility
    • Sacks still investing - right now its less competitive than last year
  • James Webb Telescope images
    • Majority of matter in universe is undetectable
    • Universe is expanding faster than ever
    • Webb images are better than Hubble
    • Greg Robinson turned around a $10B debacle to a roaring success
      • “The most effective leader of a mission that has been seen in the history of NASA” (his boss said)
  • Friedberg adopted a rescue beagle - Daisy
    • Dog testing is only done in the US on beagles - because they have a high pain threshold
    • FDA doesn’t provide good guidance
  • Biden administration
    • He has appointed useless people - 2.4 years on average of experience in private business of people who he has appointed
    • Trump appointed 13 years experience
  • Ukraine
    • Russia turned off Nordstream 1 for “maintenance” - they are turning off gas
    • Foreign policy based on virtue signalling is failing
    • 3 predictions they had made
      • Ukraine was going to win - but Russia has won Donbass
      • Russia economy will collapse - actually US economy has collapsed
      • Western alliance would be stronger - opposite will happen


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