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All In Podcast Episode 90 Notes August 4 2022

August 4 2022

  • JCal acting extra smart
    • Sacks: You’re the hot dog dealer - he’s (Friedberg) LeBron James
  • Twitter Subpoenas
    • Twitter sent Sacks subpoena
      • He’s not a party but still going after thim
      • They cited his tweets - being crazy
      • He might have been subpoenaed 3 times in his entire career and first time in personal capacity
      • They want all his communications - on Megyn Kelly, Will Cain, etc
      • He has never been in possession of non-public information about Twitter
      • They are just being petty and vindictive - at punitive and high cost to him
      • 5 years ago Chamath and a friendly large fund approached Twitter
        • Lot of public information is available and you can figure out a lot about Twitter
      • Joe Lonsdale is being subpoenaed for appearing at the All In Summit
      • Elon dialed in on Zoom - he wasn’t in the hallways
      • The recording is public
  • Markets overview
    • Gas finally down

    • Open Jobs under 11M - hopefully next year should be 5-6M

    • So markets and crypto might have got a bounce?

    • We are going to have volatility in the teens - so you will get short stocks - when its in the 30s you buy equities and you have hit the bottom - VIX

    • Gas demand is lower than summer of 2020

    • There were mini rallies even during dotcom bubble during 2000

    • We’ve never seen in american history before - that CPI when it hits 5%, that it hits under 5% without Fed funds

    • There are many issues right now - these can cause a big problem and flashpoint, lot of things can go wrong - any of these can go wrong - think in terms of probability - many low probability issues and if so many, anything might happen

      • Getting gas to western europe
      • Food insecurity in Africa and south asia
      • Conflict in eastern europe
      • Taiwan situation may not help
      • NATO situation may not help - Sweden, etc joining NATO might be conflict escalation issue
      • Argentina 60% inflation
      • Brazil has a criminal for president - won’t leave office if he loses election which he is calling fraudulent
        • They are a massive food supplier and massive EM credit holder
        • He is saying publicly in a press release that army is on my side, etc
      • US credit is in a problem
        • most credit cards issued since 2008
    • So result of above is that currently there is an indulgence in conflict - will cause more harm than good - Pelosi going to Taiwan

    • Markets’ output are the manifestation of social behavior - better off analysing quality of businesses instead of trying to time the market

    • There is always stuff going on in markets - they reflect our realities

  • Trend of de-globalization is playing out across the world - China losing trading partners, US has its own chip factory
    • Globalization has enabled more efficient pricing - getting cheap energy and cheap labor in overseas for cheap products - the opposite will happen now and so prices go up
    • Cheaper, Faster, Better is gone - so now higher prices for Better National Security
    • Pelosi going to Taiwan
      • They want better relations with us

      • Will they if and when China hurts them?

      • Biden administration told her not to go but she made an indulgent trip

      • Who is running this administration? She is not the President, she is not the Secretary of the State - she will pass her gavel to the new speaker, so its her valedictorian tour

      • There is bipartisan support for Taiwan

        • This could be biggest flashpoint in the world - there might be a chance of a war between US and China
        • Chinese view Taiwan as sacred territory - they are hell bent on unification of mainland China with Taiwan - they would like to do it peacefully and are waiting to become strong enough to take it by force
      • US has contradictory policy on this - support One China and also support Taiwan Relations Act

      • 1895 Japan took Taiwan from China

      • John Foster Dulles came up with Island Chain strategy - Taiwan is the central one in this island chain -equidistant between Vietnam and Japan - so needed to control China

      • Look at these islands as unsinkable aircraft carriers

      • US is in Cold War 2 with China

        • China has more ships than US now - bigger blue water navy - tonnage might be lower though
        • CATL, Tesla’s biggest supplier delayed their announcement - was it worth this to do Pelosi’s visit
      • Thomas Friedman article says NSC, Blinken, Biden all asked her to stand down but she didn’t listen

      • Biden has the right strategy on Taiwan - force China to be the revisionist power - can’t come across as revisionist power - he wants status quo - this is the right thing



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