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All In Podcast Episode 93 Notes August 26 2022

August 26 2022

  • Funny songs

  • Everyone getting subpoenaed by Twitter - poor JCal also
  • Twitter Whistleblower
    • Peiter Zatko - head of security - was hired after major hack of 2020
    • Twitter violated terms of use
    • Employees had access to all kinds of accounts - Elon Musk, Barack Obama and Donald Trump
    • Sent docs to SEC, Congress and DOJ, WaPo
    • Gave bonuses to execs for increasing users but not reducing bots
    • Sacks is being deposed!!!!
    • If there is a lawsuit - will discovery reveal that there is a problem
    • There is a cover up of the bot problem
    • Nixonian tactics
    • Their bonuses are tied to more accounts - Upton Sinclair argument - hard to get a man to understand a problem if his salary depends on it
    • Parag and his lieutenants prevented him from producing a written report
    • Ordered him to cherry pick and misrepresent data to the board
    • He is working with same group as Frances Haugen
    • He is a white hat hacker - he would be on a shortlist of any people you want to run your cybersecurity
    • He is actually saying that Twitter didn’t really lie but omitted details
    • He is talking less about spam and more about security
    • He was apparently a terrible manager and 100s of people in his organization were running around
    • Maybe it was a mis-hire - he should have been a contributor instead of a manager
    • He got fired in January - so he started working with whistleblower lawyers
    • The lawsuit between Twitter and Elon is just that there is a negotiation of stock price purchase that Elon should buy at
    • So whistleblower’s revelations could mean that board violated their SEC disclosures
    • Stock price was reflecting probability of deal closing = 70%, now it became 60% after leak
    • Whistleblowers get 30% of windfall from fines
  • Twitter was forced by Indian government to place an intelligence agent on the board - and the company said that was OK?
    • What about Apple, Google, Facebook, Tiktok, SNAP?
    • Same as earlier discussion - if government wanted your documents they would come to you, now they go to big tech company - acting as if they own the data - its like you have very low protection and rights over your data
    • Apple employees arrested before going to China - stole a bunch of self driving car company data
    • This is the attraction of distributed services
    • Try brave browser and VPNs
    • DuckDuckGo
    • VPNs are important for privacy
    • VPNs, anonymous search engines, browsers are all being bundled
    • Apple is claiming to encrypt your data on your phone
  • Student loan forgiveness
    • < $125K, $250K as household
    • 85 days before mid terms
    • Takes 4 months to get the COBOL software running and calculate loan balance and print the bill
    • This will cost $300B
    • This was a campaign promise so Biden fulfilled
    • This doesn’t solve root cause of what we’re dealing with
    • Colleges will just keep increasing tuition if government might just do it again
    • This money is basically transferred to university endowments
    • Middle class where majority of tax dollars come from will pay for this minority of people who made a bad decision
    • This is exactly what happens at the end of empires - everyone sees the money train leaving the station and everyone jumps to grab theirs
    • This is unconstitutional - these are like stimulus checks, this is a jump the shark moment for policy making
    • This is a jump for the democratic party - they are not blue collar, they are more for white collar and woke college graduates
    • White college graduates favor democrats by 12 points, white non-college favor republicans by 25 points - this college vs non-college is the biggest gap vs racial, etc
    • This is a pay off to the new foot soldiers for the democratic party - not the blue collar
    • Jason went to school at night
    • Chamath doesn’t have a degree but did co-op for 2 years at Waterloo
    • Sacks has a law degree
    • Monthly payment cap is 5% of in hand income - so its a pay off to the art degree barista
    • So we don’t complain when airlines, auto companies, finance companies, etc get bailouts - what about students?
      • Larry Summers: there is no analogy with bank bailouts - govt actually turned profits - these student bailouts are grants
      • Same problem as coastal people getting bailouts for mistake they made buying a house where a hurricane can hit it
      • We cannot get caught up in this endless cycle of making other people whole for mistakes they made
      • Covid relief, pandemic relief, PPP loans, student loans - everyone’s “what about me” has to stop
      • Dollars being spent have to have an ROI
    • The fact that this was a mistake was it should have been made expunge-able at bankruptcy - but it was not
    • The companies that provided these loans would have risk scored you if it was able to be discharged at bankruptcy
    • Would have been meaningful lasting change
    • Get this money from university endowments
    • Education and ROI is treated as second class because these universities’ endowments are bigger priority
    • Then universities would be more responsible
    • Student debt should be like credit card debt, etc - able to be discharged at bankruptcy - so they would do due diligence
    • 37 point gap of party preference college degree vs no college degree - if you go to college and get a degree - universities are woke - you are more likely to be progressive - woke madrassas - they graduate the new woke clerics of new dem theocracy
    • We look down on theocratic states and we are the same
    • Why would you want to defund the factories that are funding your ranks?
    • Colleges used to be blue collar → white collar
    • College degree means you’re not blue collar, you’re white collar
      • That heuristic isn’t true - why not and what can we do about it?
    • Incredible benefit to broadening your horizons once you go to college
    • How to integrate this program into technical training program or skills program?
    • Federal loans should be maybe have a requirement on skills, etc
    • Being able to discharge student debt at bankruptcy is the most meaningful change you could make
    • Gerontocracy at these universities - average administrator is in mid to late 60s - they are focused on their endowments and power
    • You will identify the insider establishment by those who try to stop you
    • growwithgoogle is free
      • They have identified work streams
      • If you can sit down, shut up and learn, then you can do these first for free - get 60-70-80k per year before you go to college for $100K
      • JCal and Chamath invested in Meritas - ISA - nursing college, etc
        • Meritas takes risk instead of Harvard that takes no risk
  • Red Wave looks more like a Ripple
    • Biden has had a good run over the last few weeks
    • Dobbs and Jobs are also helping Biden
      • Dobbs case - abortion
      • Jobs report is strong
    • Dems are in materially better position than in June
    • Republicans also have issues with candidate quality - couple of races should have
    • Bipartisan wins
      • Chips ACT
      • Guns bill
    • Republicans got hoodwinked
    • Would be good to get back to gridlock?
      • Means fiscal responsibility
  • Gut Biome
    • Cell journal published paper
    • Human body has 10T cells - also some 10-40T bacterial cells live in your gut - gut microbiome
    • Gut biome - bacteria in your gut - can regulate your health - Muniq, now SuperGut uses this
    • Can send molecule into your bacteria that will help your stomach
    • Can affect disease and condition of brain by changing gut biome
    • Was hard to sequence DNA - was $1000 to do poop test, now its $5 - to check your gut biome
    • Paper looked at effect of eating artificial sweeteners on your gut biome and human health
    • Researchers gave people saccharine stuff - monitored gut biome, glycemic index (glucose)
    • Measured their blood glucose - ability to see sugar in blood - how can metabolize glucose - glycemic control
    • Sucrulose is not being absorbed by your body - bad bacteria are eating it
    • Aspartame and Stevia were relatively benign
    • FMT
      • Fecal microbiome transplantation
      • You can inject other people’s fecal matter into sick people and cure them
        • Parkinsons, etc
        • Into the bum or eat a capsule with someone else’s poop
      • This is why probiotics do not work
        • It does not survive in your gut biome
        • Its like putting a house cat in the jungle - gets eaten by the jaguar
      • Its like you’re putting a whole rainforest from someone else’s gut into your gut - your gut becomes from someone else’s gut
      • Can help cure MS
    • Lots of companies are discovering small molecules
      • Can we convert good bacterias into medicine?
      • FMT
      • SuperGut is trying to change feedstock to transform bacteria into healthy bacteria
    • Now if kid has diarrhea you want to give them probiotic
    • Not sure if Kombucha, fermented, etc
    • Broad holistic diet is best option - coz we don’t know yet what works - animal protein benefits, etc
    • Responders and Non-responders
    • People need to spend time figuring out eating and not eating what makes you feel better - do iteration


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