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All In Podcast Episode 135 Recap and Notes Jun 30 2023

June 30 2023

  • Friedberg moderating
  • Wagner group rebellion in Russia
    • Maybe it was genuine - if true that his department was being merged into military and would have lost revenue
    • Was a mutiny and could have become a coup - 8000 people, about a quarter of Wagner and sent 3000 men to Moscow
    • Was looking to see who might support him
    • On the way to Moscow - nobody supported him - generals, governors, Duma folk, etc
    • So he took a deal brokered by Lukashenko - exiled in Belarus in return for being allowed to live
    • How do we know replacing Putin is a good outcome - it could actually be much worse for the West
    • The war is existential for Putin - so if the Ukraine counter offensive is successful, then Putin will escalate the war
    • Sun Tzu - the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting
  • Scotus strikes down affirmative action
    • Data shows admissions were harder for Asian Americans
    • Lots of potential downstream effects - might hit sports quotas, legacy quotas
    • Need to focus earlier in the education pipeline - instead of so late in the stage in higher education
    • Jason claims he was told in AOL that he can’t be made EVP while he was SVP because he was white
    • Equality of opportunity vs equality of outcome
    • Maybe make donations and prices of legacy admissions transparent - colleges can publish a rate card
    • Its fair for these universities to admit based on what they want - but maybe give up their federal funding
    • These institutions take so much federal funding that they are quasi-public institutions
    • One way to get into these schools is to move to some remote place like Kentucky etc
    • Another angle was to get into squash
    • Abysmal quality of US public schools is because of teachers’ unions who only care about their own benefits and not the students
    • In CA we each pay $16000 into the educational system
    • Everyone has right to form unions but there is no competition for their services
    • Profit motives of universities is to be shadow organizations for their endowments
    • Biggest real estate portfolio in SF is Academy of Art University
  • AI
    • Databricks buys $1.3B MosaicML - cash and stocks - value of stocks was off last round from databricks’s raise

      • Rumors that MML ARR went from $1M to $20M, others say its $6M
    • AI infrastructure for enterprises is the hottest space

    • MML had a term sheet to raise $50M at $400M post - 30-35 times ARR, so ~$10M

      • Sacks was going to invest in the next round
    • Another investor had come in at ~$700M valuation

    • Enterprise companies are going to build end to end toolchain

    • Snowflake acquired Neeva

    • Need to level up if you’re in the data infrastructure business

    • Models and tooling to build these models are going to be huge

    • started by Mustafa Suleyman and Reid Hoffman

      • DeepMind, LinkedI
      • Closed $1.3B funding round from Bill Gates, etc
      • They probably need $1B for the H100 cluster
    • Market framing slide from Craft and Sacks

    • All the action is right now in enterprise ChatGPT

      • CoPilot for CEO, Customer Support, etc
      • No one wants to share data with OpenAI
      • HuggingFace is doing great - people start there, then customize their models
  • IRL shuts down after raising $200M due to CEO/diligence issues
    • SoftBank gave IRL money in record time apparently

    • (same time Byju’s also dropped a lot)

    • VC is a hard business

    • Jason and Chamath are early investors in

    • Check size should be determined by fund size also

    • Best diligence is following up with off-sheet references

    • Fund raising for late stage funds has died a lot recently

  • AIS speaker list looking great
  • Gravity “Hum”
    • 15 years’ worth of Nanograv data
    • Space time is being warped by gravity
    • Supports General theory of relativity
    • Recent black hole discovered that’s 30 billion times the mass of our Sun
    • This discovery might be monumentous


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