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All In Podcast Episode 140 Recap and Notes August 4 2023

August 4 2023

  • LK-99
    • ~70% of energy we produce is lost to heat and friction
    • Semiconductors, roads could all be re-invented
    • LK99 = Lee and Kim 1999 - when they saw this material the first time
    • Limitless battery storage for clean energy
    • Kinda like cold fusion
  • Innovation in software vs rest of the fields
    • Peter Thiel - we were promised flying cars but we were given 140 characters

    • He is more right than wrong

    • All other fields are dominated by the establishment

    • Stanford president out for alleged mistakes/errors/falsification in alzheimer’s papers

    • Proof that sclerotic leadership is stopping innovation

    • Similar to what happened with Covid and Fauci and Lancet letter

  • Fitch downgrade of US debt rating
    • Deficits will get bigger
    • Larry Summers coming to AIS 2023
  • Trump indictment
    • 3rd criminal case
    • Seems no different than Sandy Berger, General Patraeus, Hilary Clinton, etc
    • Not clear he actually violated any laws
    • Using novel legal theories
      • Maybe then go after the Lancet letter writers and the Hunter Biden laptop story letter writers, etc
    • Why are they filing these chargers in the middle of a political cycle?
    • This will be damaging to trust in justice system and electoral process independence - the timing is off and its scary



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