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All In Podcast Episode 142 Recap and Notes August 18 2023

August 18 2023

  • Sacks partying and alcohol stories
  • Snow White Disney movie controversy
    • Disparaging the OG Disney movie
  • Rich Men North of Richmond
    • Channeling people’s voice

    • People are justifiably angry about the failure of the elite and the coverup by the media

    • A lot like Solzhenitsyn line about brazen lying

    • Bottom 80% earnings have been flat for 60 years

    • Too much red tape preventing lower income people from becoming entrepreneurs and earners

    • The truth is that we don’t want the government to bring down the dashed black line or the blue line - this is natural - it proves economic supremacy of US GDP - so the answer is simply that this is a hard issue and we want the government to stay out of our way

    • Problems are in addiction to wars, military industrial complex draining the country of resources and elite corruption (example covid)

    • Whenever government steps in to help people, it actually creates bad incentives

    • Think about how hard is it to move up

    • It would be nice to see instead of this chart - what the mobility is between these lines

    • Think about how Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty destroyed this country and created bad disincentives that ruined nuclear families

    • Vivek and Christie have positive messages

      • Vivek: “Victimizhood is a choice” is a good line
    • Most balanced people in all the lines are the folks who are satisfied by themselves in their own self - not looking to things that are ahead, etc - usually have a deep relationship with 1 romantic partner and their kids

    • Encapsulated by weird moment with Joy Behar trying to make Tim Scott feel bad about his success - who gets to tell you how you should feel about yourself

  • Michael Burry apparently bets $1.6B on stock market crash
    • $866M on put options against S&P, $700+M against Nasdaq
    • Questionable reporting?
    • Probably just good headlines in a time with nothing going on
    • Media needs to do a better job with these stories
  • Economy
    • Real estate developers are in big trouble
  • Trump indictment
    • 4th now - Fulton county, Georgia
    • President can’t pardon state crimes
  • Adyen stock drop
    • Multiple compression
    • Stripe, Adyen, Paypal etc are middle-men businesses


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