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All In Podcast Episode 137 Recap and Notes Jul 14 2023

July 14 2023

  • Besties argue about previous weekend’s pod
  • Inflation cools
    • Larry Summers speaking at AIS2023!

    • Structural longer term trends - some believe like Summers that rates will be higher for longer than people think

    • When to pivot from safer assets into equities? Maybe in the next 12-18 months - will have to figure it out

    • Chamath thinks the market has hit the bottom now and its time for markets to go up

    • Market is pricing in a soft landing

    • People are getting in their last hurrah

    • Nice chart explaining how to think about this

    • Disney wait times have gone down now

    • Interest rates on car loans have gone up in the last year

    • Used car pricing in the last month has declined 4.2%

  • Ripple gets big win in SEC case
    • Huge vindication for them
    • XRP is ripping 25-35%
    • Huge egg in the face for SEC
    • Whole crypto market is ripping now
    • Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple is happy
    • US court system is not kowtowing to administration and doing their job
  • Microsoft Activision approved
    • Lina Khan losing streak continues
    • FTC thinks of themselves as a hammer and every deal by big tech is a nail
      • This emotional reactivity takes away faith that this org is well run and sober
    • Maybe these companies have too much power
      • YouTube took down a video of Jordan Peterson interviewing RFK Jr
        • They have tremendous market power
        • Common carrier standard
        • Who gives them this power?
    • She could be the worst modern day FTC head
    • She is just an inexperienced academic - weakening the institution
    • They are just going after companies they don’t like instead of doing their job of regulation
    • She should go after dark patterns - like being able to sign up for WSJ online but have to call someone to cancel
  • EV supply demand mismatch
    • 80% of new cars are financed and interest rates on car loans have doubled
    • Tesla reduced prices so hit their margins but got more volume
    • BRICS countries are very big now - they have passed the G7 based on GDP
      • At least on PPPs
      • Are growing faster too
  • AIS 2023
    • Toby Lutke
    • Stephen Wolfram
    • Mr Beast
    • Lots of others
    • Parties
      • The bestie who loved me - James Bond theme - tuxedo, white bowtie, etc
      • Bestie Club - breakfast club, 80s
      • The Rave - go late - Bestie Runner - Blade Runner, Cyberpunk, rave outfit
  • NATO
    • Turkey allows Sweden to join NATO
    • Ukraine not happy
    • Ben Wallace, UK secretary of Defense was also complaining about Ukraine/Zelenskyy’s lack of gratitude towards alliance
    • US spends $800B/year on defense and we might be out of ammunition be
    • How incompetent does our Military Industrial Complex have to be?
    • Silicon Valley’s anti-supporting the military should be re-examined
    • We have hollowed out our classic industrial production
    • US will take 5 years to hit 85K shells per month production
    • So US is violating international law and sending cluster munitions to Ukraine
      • (US hasn’t signed the treaty)
    • Finland also joined NATO
    • Apparent cost of accepting Ukraine into NATO would be $2T to prepare for counter measures from Russia
    • NATO is a business, the more countries that join NATO, the more money that the MIC makes - but it also means that more of our sons and daughters are sacrificed 😟
  • New paper on reversing cellular aging
    • Yamanaka factors
    • Combinatorial screen
    • Used different medicine cocktails (found 6 different ones)
      • Reversed aging of cells
    • Could take pills, creams that reverse aging, remove wrinkles, etc
    • Multiple teams are having breakthroughs on this work


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